24th February, 2003

Ministry of Rural Development

Jammu & Kashmir gets Rs.97 lakh and foodgrains under SGRY
The Ministry of Rural Development has released Rs.97 lakh as second instalment to three districts of Jammu & Kashmir under Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY – 1st stream) for the year 2002-03.......................

Ministry of Rural Development

Rs. 221 lakh released for rural housing to Chhattisgarh
The Ministry of Rural Development has released Rs. 221.66 lakh as centre’s share under Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) for rural housing to four districts of Chhattisgarh.......................

Ministry of Steel

SAIL brings down borrowing
The Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), a public sector undertaking of the Steel Ministry has been successful in bringing down its debt to Rs.13,640 crore by December 2003.......................

Ministry of Steel

SAIL's strategy to achieve growth
The Public Sector Unit, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is constantly exploring opportunities to achieve growth in all its areas of operation including production.......................

Ministry of Railways

Allopathic doctors to get rail concession
The Ministry of Railways has recently issued orders directing the Zonal Railways to provide 10 per cent concessions in rail tickets to Allopathic Doctors with a minimum MBBS qualification in all classes of Mail and Express trains from March 12, 2003 to render medical assistance to needy passengers during journey as well as railway accidents.......................

Ministry of Environement & Forests

North-Eastern States account for only 7% of country's land area and 25% of forest cover
The seven north-eastern states contribute 25.78 per cent of the country’s forest cover while their share in the country’s geographical area is only about seven per cent.......................

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Seven news channels permitted uplinking
Twelve applications seeking permission to uplink 24-hour news channels have been received in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Out of these, seven have been granted permission while the remaining five are under examination.......................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

New EPC for EOUs, SEZs set up
A separate Export Promotion Council for Export Oriented Units (EOUs) and Units of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has been set up to enhance exports from this sector.......................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Safeguards against import surge under SAPTA
The multinationals operating in SAARC countries are unlikely to take undue advantage of concessional duty facility to flood the Indian market with their goods since tariff preferences are subject to Rules of Origin under the SAPTA Agreement.......................

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Rs. 500 crores of content creation by DD in tenth plan
Doordarshan is being provided Rs. 500 crores during the Tenth Five Year Plan for content creation in order to improve their programmes. Rs. 80 crores are being made available this year itself.......................

Ministry of Textiles

Modernizing of khadi textiles
The Government has taken a number of steps to improve and modernize khadi textiles for better acceptability and popularity.......................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Performance of six infrastructure industries: January 2003
Performance of six infrastructure industries: January 2003.......................

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Sixty-eight NGOs blacklisted for non-performance by Social Justice & Empowerment Ministry
Sixty-eight Non-Governmant Organisations (NGOs) have been blacklisted by the Centre so far for their non-satisfactory performance.......................

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution

Foodgrains stock sufficient for PDS and export: Shri Yadav
India’s foodgrains stock is sufficient to meet the requirement of public distribution system and exports, said Shri Sharad Yadav, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.......................

Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation

Delhi Metro Rail Project to be completed by 2005
Delhi Metro Rail Project is expected to be fully completed by 2005 and at the projected level of traffic it will be able to meet its obligations of repayment of the loan taken from the Japanese Aid Agency.......................

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Protection and processing of fishes
Under its Plan Scheme for Technology Upgradation/Establishment and Modernisation of Food Processing Industries, Ministry of Food Processing Industries provides assistance for creation of additional facilities for preservation and processing of fish.......................

Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Enlisting of communities of Assam in ST list
Six communities namely Lalung, Dimasa, Hajong, Singhpho, Khampti and Garo have been included in the list of Scheduled Tribes of Assam vide the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002, which received the assent of the President of India on 7th January, 2003.......................

Ministry of Water Resources

Soil erosion due to Mahanadi river in Orissa
Flood Management including river erosion being a state subject, investigation, planning and implementation of flood management schemes are within the purview of the State Government.......................

Ministry of Water Resources

Indo-Nepal Treaty
An inception report for taking up joint investigations/studies and preparation of detailed project report in respect of Sapta Kosi High Dam Multipurpose Project and Sun Kosi Storage Cum Diversion Scheme has been agreed between India and Nepal.......................

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Environmental effects on linking of rivers
An inception report for taking up joint investigations/studies and preparation of detailed project report in respect of Sapta Kosi High Dam Multipurpose Project and Sun Kosi Storage Cum Diversion Scheme has been agreed between India and Nepal.......................

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Development of tourism in rural areas
The Department of Tourism has introduced a scheme to develop rural tourism in the country in the 10the Five-Year Plan.......................

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Inter connection of central libraries
The Department of Culture is working on modernisation of central and public libraries.......................

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Comprehensive Project for conservation of Jaisalmer Fort
The Government has drawn up a comprehensive project for repair, restoration, conservation and improvement of the Fort and its environment.......................

Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs

Government to substitute foreign debt with domestic debt on private placement basis
Government of India have decided to prepay certain foreign currency loans from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) amounting to US $ 1.30 billion (approx.) and from the World Bank amounting to US$ 1.67 billion (approx.) taking into account the strong foreign exchange position and low interest rates in the domestic market.......................

Prime Minister's Office

Prime Minister's statement at the XIIIth NAM Summit
Following is the text of the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s statement at the XIIIth NAM Summit in Kuala Lumpur today:.......................

Ministry of Science & Technology

Belarus offers dual technologies to India
Belarus has offered India dual technologies in various fields including strategic areas.......................

Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs

Removal of restrictions relating to Customs and Central Excise clearances on Budget Day
The Government has amended the Central Excise Rules, 2002 and also revoked its earlier instructions relating to the Budget Day restrictions in respect of indigenously manufactured goods as well as imported and exported goods.......................

Ministry of Law & Justice

Fast Track Courts in the Country
1307 Fast Track Courts have been notified by various states in the country, out of which 990 Fast Track Courts have already started functioning. .......................

Ministry of Law & Justice

Sexual harassment cases
Both the Government and the judiciary are concerned with the quick disposal of pending cases including case of sexual harassment. .......................

Ministry of Law & Justice

Complaints against Judges of High Courts and Supreme Court
The Government is committed to setting up of a National Judicial Commission, which inter alia would draw up a Code of Ethics for Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. .......................