24th February, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Belarus has offered India dual technologies in various fields including strategic areas. These include laser, powder metallurgy, electronics, microwave technologies, space research, fuel cells, steel, optics and medicine. Belarus is also working with DRDO in Defence R&D. The milestone in Indo-Belarusian Cooperation is the Centre for Power Metallurgy in Hyderabad.

Belarus is organising an exposition of its technologies here in New Delhi between 24 – 28 February, 2003. Representatives from Indian industry and business community from both the sides will meet during the exposition to workout agreements on technology transfer, production technologies, joint ventures and joint collaboration.

The five-day exposition of science and technology from Belarus will be formally inaugurated by the Minister of State for Science & Technology, Shri Bachi Singh Rawat, tomorrow.

At a press meet here this morning, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences said that 31 enterprises and institutions are taking part. The exhibits speak of highly advanced technologies of Belarus and many of them in frontier areas of science. The exposition is being held at the premises of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), which has a long-standing association with the Belarusian Academy of Sciences.