21st July, 2003

Ministry of Labour

Benefits of EPF to labourers of Rajasthan region
8.82 lakh members of Rajasthan Region are enjoying the benefits under the Employees' Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952..............................

Ministry of Labour

Closure of industrial units in Orissa due to cyclone
Government of Orissa have informed that 17 industrial units have been closed in Orissa after the Super Cyclone of 1999..............................

Ministry of Labour

Social Security Provisions to the country's workforce
Approximately 8 per cent of the country's total workforce of around forty crores are covered by Social Security provisions..............................

Ministry of Railways

Railway Board Hindi Salahkar Samiti meets
The 82nd meeting of Official Language Advisory Committee (Hindi Salahkar Samiti) of Railway Board in the Ministry of Railways met here..............................

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Sick F.P.Is
The Food Processing Industries operate both in the organised and unorganised sectors..............................

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Processed fruits and vegetables
It has been estimated on the basis of units registered under Fruits Products Order, 1955, that the percentage of fruits and vegetables processed in the country is under 2% of the market arrivals..............................

Ministry of Agriculture

Production of vermicompost
The centre is promoting use of various sources of organic manure including vermicompost to provide supplementary nutrients to crops..............................

Ministry of Agriculture

Test on utility of Bt cotton hybrids
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is conducting evaluation of eight Bt cotton hybrids in Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana..............................

Ministry of Steel

SAIL taps key customers
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) a public sector company of the Steel Ministry has implemented Key Account Management Process..............................

Ministry of Steel

Revival of IISCO
Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) has submitted a rehabilitation proposal for revival of Indian Iron & Steel Company (IISCO), Burnpur, West Bengal to the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI).............................

Ministry of Steel

Production of sponge iron
The production of sponge iron during 2002-03 was 6.908 million tonnes..............................

Ministry of Steel

New Steel Policy
The Government has decided to formulate a National Steel Policy to draw out the road map for the iron and steel industry in the context of second generation reforms, restructuring and globalisation.............................

Ministry of Steel

DCI&S closure
The Government has closed the office of the Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel (DCI&S) and declared staff as surplus in pursuance of the recommendations of the Expenditure Reforms Commission (ERC) constituted by the Government..............................

Ministry of Railways

Unreserved ticketing system
The Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS), introduced on Northern Railway with effect from August 15, 2002 has since been extended to 23 stations in Delhi area..............................

Ministry of Railways

Operation of optic fibre cable based communication on Railways
The Railways have planned to link four metros of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai and four mini metros of Ahmedabad, Pune, Secunderabad and Bangalore with optic fibre cable network during the current financial year 2003-2004..............................

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

AIBD General Conference in Delhi from Monday
The 2nd General Conference of Asia-Pacific Institute of Broadcasting Development (AIBD) is being held in New Delhi from 22nd to 25th July, 2003.............................