21st July, 2003
Ministry of Food Processing Industries  


Lok Sabha

It has been estimated on the basis of units registered under Fruits Products Order, 1955, that the percentage of fruits and vegetables processed in the country is under 2% of the market arrivals.

For promotion of food processing industries, Government has taken up the task of strengthening infrastructure, providing assistance for technology upgradation, modernisation/expansion of existing units, providing support for Backward and Forward Linkages and through assistance for training human resources.

A Group of Ministers (GOM) has been constituted by the Government to propose legislative and other changes for preparing a Modern Integrated Food Law and related regulations. It is proposed to converge and modernize the existing laws and to bring about a single statute for regulation of food products that would allow for speedy decision-making. This law is expected to take into account the international scenario and the modern development so as to create an enabling environment and promote self-compliance by the food processing industries.

Biotechnological methods are used for production of raw as well as processed food products. As far as Food Processing Industry is concerned, some of the biotechnological methods such as fermentation method are presently used by industry for the manufacture of various processed food products.

This information was given in Lok Sabha today by Shri N.T. Shanmugam, Minister of State for Food Processing Industries in a written reply.