12th March, 2003

Ministry of Railways

Performance of Railways during April-January 2002-2003
The Railways saved a sum of Rs. 1095.76 crores in expenditure as against the budgetary target of expenditure during the first ten months of the current financial year 2002-2003 ending January 2003 ......................

Ministry of Railways

Trial run of fastest train
The Ministry of Railways is examining trial run of the fastest train at 150 kilometre per hour speed buoyed by the successful run of such a speedy train by the Konkan Railway in December 2002 ......................

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Partnership initiative for pollution control
The Government and the Industry are set to break new ground for pollution control in the form of a partnership initiative by releasing the Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP) on Thursday i.e. March 13, 2003. . ......................

Ministry of Mines

Safety norms for GSI scientists
The Geological Survey of India (GSI) scientists and technical assistants always follow safety norms while handling hazardous radioactive chemicals and equipments which generate radiation ......................

Ministry of Mines

Mineral in Maharastra
Exploration carried out by Geological Survey of India (GSI) in vidharba Region, has established 566 million tonnes of coal in Bhatali, Rajura-Manikgarh, Bahmini-Palasgaon and Jogapur-Sirsi areas of Wardha Valley, Chanrapur district, Maharashtra ......................

Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

National Reconstruction Project in the North East
An amount of Rs. 2,60,33,500/- has so far been released to North Eastern States and Sikkim to implement the National Reconstruction Corps Scheme(NRC) ......................

Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

Promotion of sports
The Government for the promotion of Hockey has provided of Rs. 62.545 lakhs as assistance to State Governments and Sports Authority of India (SAI) for installation/replacement of artificial hockey surfaces under the Scheme ......................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Jaitley wants speedier implementation of SEZs
Shri Arun Jaitley, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice, today underlined the need for speedier implementation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and said that "the process of getting the Zones ready should not have roadblocks" ......................

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Malaysia regrets recent incident involving Indian professionals
Malaysia today expressed regret at the recent Kuala Lumpur incidents involving a large of Indians including IT professionals ......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and Use-Based Index (Base 1993-94=100) for the month of January, 2003
The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with base 1993-94 for the month of January 2003 have been released by the Central Statistical Organisation ......................

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Thrust on better technology for Food Processing Sector
Food Processing Industry is poised to attract phenomenal investment of around Rs. 92,000 crore during the Xth Plan period, said Shri N.T. Shanmugam, Minister of State for Food Processing Industries (Independent Charge) while inaugurating a Seminar sponsored by his Ministry here today ......................

Ministry of External Affairs

Indo-Myanmar Border Trade
A Border Trade Agreement between India and Myanmar was signed in January 1994 and became operational from April 12, 1995 ......................

Ministry of External Affairs

Visit of Foreign Minister to Russia
Shri Yashwant Sinha, Minister of External Affairs, visited Moscow on 19-20 February 2003 ......................

Ministry of External Affairs

American aid to Pakistan
According to available data, the actual and proposed aid by the United States to Pakistan for the U.S fiscal years 2002, 2003 and 2004 amounts to U.S $ 1.74 billion ......................

Ministry of External Affairs

Trilateral understanding among India, Myanmar and Thailand
External Affairs Minister attended the India-Myanmar-Thailand Ministerial Meeting on Transport Linkages held on April 5-6, 2002 in Myanmar ......................

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Workshop on Photojournalism
Photo Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is organizing a five-day workshop cum refresher course on "Aspect of Photojournalism and the Role of Digital Photography for Speedy Communication" at New Delhi from 13th to 17th March, 2003 ......................

Prime Minister's Office

Statement by the Prime Minister in both Houses of Parliament on the situation relating to Iraq
Following is the text of the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's statement in both Houses of Parliament on the situation relating to Iraq, here today ......................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Pascal Lamy to meet Arun Jaitley tomorrow
The European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner, Mr. Pascal Lamy, is scheduled to meet Shri Arun Jaitley, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice, here tomorrow morning ......................

Ministry of Food Processing Industries

Codex standards for pickles planned
Government is trying to formulate codex standards for our traditional products like pickles so that there is a better acceptance of these items in the international markets ......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Timely payment for works under MPLADS
The State Governments are not authorized to impose treasury restrictions on payment of bills related to works under Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) ......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Committee on implementation of projects
The Committee on the implementation of projects has submitted its report and the Government has accepted it ......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Faulty measurement of State Domestic Product
The estimates of State Domestic Product (SDP) are compiled using the income originating approach ......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Norms laid down for MPLADS
The MPLADS works are executed following the established work procedures of the State governments concerned ......................

Ministry of Defence

Erection of barbed fencing along the Pakistan border
The number of infiltration attempts foiled and terrorist killed by the security forces along the LoC and IB in Jammu & Kashmir were 96 last year and terrorists killed when infiltrating in the same year were 311 ......................

Ministry of Defence

Educational Scholarships to children of Army employees by Coca Cola
The Coca Cola Company, India has made an offer to provide 500 scholarships of Rs. 5,000/- each to the children of Army personnel studying in classes X to XII of Army schools, being run by the Army Welfare Education Society, registered under the Societies Act......................

Ministry of Defence

Snags in Trishul
Trishul surface to air missile is being progressed as technology demonstrator, de-linking from the user services......................

Ministry of Defence

Gwadar Seaport in Pakistan
The Government is aware that a modern new sea port "Gwadar" is being constructed by Pakistan in Baluchistan with Chinese collaboration......................

Ministry of Defence

Diversification of Coast Guard activities
The activities of the Coast Guard are limited to the duties and functions laid down under Section 14 of the Coast Guard Act 1978......................

Ministry of Defence

Coal Scam
On February 11, 2003 a news item was published in The Indian Express based on the information from civil police, who had found some coal dumps outside the kilns in Kupwara.....................

Ministry of Defence

Pull out from LoC along Pakistan border
The strategic redeployment of our Armed Forces has no direct bearing on cross border infiltration into Jammu & Kashmir......................

Ministry of Home Affairs

IAS Probationers call on Advani
A Batch of Sixty IAS Probationers called on the Deputy Prime Minister and the Home Minister, Shri L.K.Advani here today......................

Ministry of Home Affairs

Maoists activities along Indo-Nepal border
There is no proposal to increase the strength of BSF and ITBP in bordering area of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal with Nepal in view of the sensitivity on Indo-Nepal border and increasing activities of Maoists nor any action plan formulated to encounter anti-India propaganda being run by Maoists in areas bordering with Nepal.......................

Ministry of Home Affairs

Illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in the North-East
There are reports of large scale illegal influx of Bangladeshi nationals who manage to infiltrate into the country in spite of checks and controls at the international border due to the long, open and porous nature of the border......................

Ministry of Home Affairs

Insurgent outfits operating in the North-East
The Raya Sabha was informed that the following insurgent groups are operating in the country......................

Ministry of Home Affairs

Prolonged stay of women in jails
The Rajya Sabha was told that there were 9089 women prisoners including foreign women prisoners in jails in the country at the end of the year 2000......................

Ministry of Defence

Export target of Rs 75 crore fixed for HAL
According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed here today between Ministry of Defence and Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL) a target for export of Rs 75 crore has been fixed. ......................

Prime Minister's Office

PM condoles the death of BBC Producer Ratnakar Bhartiya
The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has condoled the death of Shri Ratnakar Bhartiya, former producer and broadcaster of British Broadcasting Corporation (B.B.C), who breathed his last in London on Tuesday. ......................

Ministry of Textiles

Textile consignments held up at European Ports cleared
The European Union has accepted India’s request for invocation of exceptional flexibilities for clearance of the stuck up consignments of about 21.2 lakh pieces of shirts and pullovers worth about Rs.43 crore. ......................

Ministry of Textiles

Textile Centre Infrastructure Development Scheme
The Government has launched the "Textile Centre Infrastructure Development Scheme" (TCIDS) for rejuvenating and plugging critical infrastructure gaps ......................