12th March, 2003
Ministry of External Affairs  


A Border Trade Agreement between India and Myanmar was signed in January 1994 and became operational from April 12, 1995. Out of the 23 items traded, the principal items are agricultural namely soyabari from India and red-kidney beans from Myanmar. 7 more items i.e wood, bamboo, tomato, sunflower seeds, resin, catechu and betel leaves have been included for border trade vide Department of Revenue Notification dated March 1, 2002. Border trade between the two countries has been taking place from the trading point of Moreh on the Indian side and Tamu on the Myanmar side. It should be possible to increase the number of items traded even further. However, the existence of only one border trading point is a constraint. Under the Boarder Trade Agreement there is a provision for opening of a second route viz. Champai (India) and Rih (Myanmar) which is yet to be operationalised. Myanmar side has indicated that the road on its side is not yet motorable. For promotion of border trade between India and Myanmar, early opening of this route would be helpful. Government of India has taken this up with the Government of Myanmar.

Government is also in the process of setting up a Joint Trade Committee chaired by the respective Ministers of Commerce to promote bilateral trade.

This information was given by the Minister of State for External Affairs Shri Vinod Khanna in the Lok Sabha today.