12th March, 2003
Ministry of Human Resource Development  


Malaysia today expressed regret at the recent Kuala Lumpur incidents involving a large number of Indians including IT professionals. The Malaysian Minister for entrepreneurial development Mr. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz who is on his way home from London, met the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science & Technology, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi in New Delhi and told him that it was a most unfortunate incident and that his Government is seriously looking into the matter. He said action will be taken against the police and authorities who were responsible for it. Such excesses can not be condoned even if they happened to be illegal immigrants. He made it clear that Malaysia does not condone the incident nor has any intention to do so. He admitted that there were excesses on the part of Malaysian authorities and also that all were not illegal immigrants and included Indian IT professionals also. He requested Dr. Joshi to see that the incident does not have any bad impact on friendly co-operative relations between the two countries.

Conveying Indian Government’s serious concern over the incident Dr. Joshi told the Malaysian Minister to see that such incidents are not repeated. He told him that Indian immigrants have contributed a lot for the growth of Malaysia and such incidents are not in the best interests of bilateral relations. He demanded strict action against the guilty authorities whose high-handedness lead to the incident. Dr. Joshi made it clear that Government of India allows Indian professionals and students to go abroad only after proper verification.

The Malaysian Minister told Dr. Joshi that he will go back and convey India’s displeasure and concern over the incident, to his Government.

Later, he discussed with Dr. Joshi admission of Malaysian students in Indian Medical and IT institutions. Dr. Joshi asked him to send a proposal for consideration.