12th March, 2003
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  



The estimates of State Domestic Product (SDP) are compiled using the income originating approach. Hence, the remittances out of the income of economic activities, which are not carried out within the State in question, are not included in the SDP estimates.

To the extent possible, the results of sample surveys pertaining to a State are used for measuring the estimates of SDP of that State. The norms of an adjoining State or the national norms are applied, only if the data in respect of a particular item are not available, or are not considered reliable.

Sample surveys are conducted regularly to estimate the GDP and SDP in respect of manufacturing and services sectors. The sample survey on registered manufacturing sector is conducted every year. Sample surveys on unregistered manufacturing and services sectors are conducted approximately once in every five years. In addition, the results of Quinquennial Employment & Unemployment Surveys, periodic All India Debt & Investment Survey, Livestock Census and Population Census, etc. are also used in the estimation of GDP & SDP. The number of sample surveys relied upon in the estimation of SDP would vary from State to State and year to year.

This information was given by Shri S.B.Mookherjee, Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation in a written reply to a question by Shri Trilochan Kanungo in Lok Sabha today.