9th October, 2002

Ministry of Labour & Empowement

Government to enforce Apprentices Act strictly against defaulting establishments
Government will enforce Apprentices Act more forcefully against those establishments who do not engage apprentices as per the fixed quota..................

Ministry of Steel

RSP's H-1 production up 14 per cent
The Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) of the Steel Authority of India (SAIL) has recorded 14 per cent growth in production of saleable steel during the first half of this fiscal..................

Ministry of Steel

SAIL gets third position in website competition
The corporate website of Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) a public sector undertaking of the Ministry of Steel has got third position among the websites of major steel producers of the world..................

Ministry of Human Resources Development

Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology declared as deemed to be university
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat (formerly known as Sardar Vallabhbhai Regional College of Engineering and Technology (REC, Surat) has been declared as 'Deemed to be University..................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

India, Libya for closer trade and economic ties
The 8th Session of the Indo-Libyan Joint Commission began here today with both the countries expressing the desire to enhance bilateral commercial and industrial cooperation given that the present level of trade and business is way below the actual potential..................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

FDI inflows increased by over 26% during August 2002
The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows continue to post a very positive growth during 2002, bringing in US $ 2.85 billion (net of ADRs/GDRs) up to August 2002..................

Ministry of Science & Technology

More MET centres to come up
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) is in the process of setting up a number of more meteorological centres in the newly created states as well as in others where it does not have a major presence..................

Ministry of Home Affairs

Three years of the government
Peaceful conduct of the Assembly Elections in Jammu & Kashmir in September-October, 2002 has been a major achievement. Barring stray incidents people in large numbers voted in the elections despite threat from terrorist groups..................

Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises

Shri Patil stresses substantive performance one day conference of CEOs of PSUs
Minister for Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil has exhorted the Chief Executive to take on the emerging challenges and opportunities arising out of globalization with a changed mindset..................

Ministry of Law & Justice

Law Commission's Reports in CDs
The sixteenth Law Commission of India, headed by Shri Justice M. Jagannadha Rao, a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India, has decided to make available all its reports in the Compact Disk (CD) format..................

Ministry of Defence

India Oman to step up defence cooperation
India and Oman agreed to step up defence cooperation relating to military to military contacts, especially in the field of training and joint exercises by the armed forces of both the countries..................

Ministry of Defence

Quality assurance in Defence Stores & equipment stressed
The Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) inspected equipment and goods worth Rs 12808 crore during 2001-02 out of which stores worth Rs 11070 crore were cleared for acquisition..................

Ministry of Food Processing Industry

State food processing ministers meet soon to discuss sales tax issue
Representatives of Food Processing Industries and various Industries Associations today demanded exemption/withdrawal of several taxes applicable to processed food, not to apply land ceiling laws for contract farm to enable the Food Processing Industries to achieve quality and economy of scale besides putting emphasis on quality of processed food in country..................

Prime Ministry Office

PM's address at the 3rd India-EU Business Summit
The following is the text of Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s address at the India-EU Business Summit at Copenhagen today..................