9th October, 2002
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises  


Minister for Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil has exhorted the Chief Executive to take on the emerging challenges and opportunities arising out of globalization with a changed mindset. The Minister was addressing a one-day Conference of the Chief Executive Officers of various Public Sector Undertakings of the Department of Heavy Industry here today. Emphasizing the need for developing a futuristic vision, the Minister asked the PSU Chiefs to avail the advantages of emerging trends in global outsourcing and be part of global supply chains by using a number of core competencies that India has to offer. Impressing upon the critical need for substantive performance, the Minister advised Chief Executives to cast-off their dependence on Government and build on their own strengths. "Each PSU has enormous apparent and latent strengths and assets, which could be gainfully deployed for vastly improving organization performance", the Minister said. Insisting that performance of each PSU will be closely monitored, the Minister impressed upon Chief Executives to demonstrate a winning leadership for availing huge domestic and global opportunities. Shri Patil called upon CEOs to deliberate on the issues of enhanced customer orientation, manpower rationalization, disposal of unutilized assets of PSUs and means of strengthening the MOU system in due course.

In his address on the occasion, Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria, Minister of State For Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises highlighted the need for change in the manner the PSUs have traditionally functioned. Underlining the need for anticipating emerging changes in technology, marketing strategies and other key areas of performance, the Minister exhorted the PSUs to build on each other’s strengths through meaningful alliances. Elaborating on the scheme of Voluntary Retirement Scheme, the Minister said that the scheme has helped a large number of workers of sick units to find adequate resources for meaningful livelihood after severance. He impressed on the need for retraining and skill development of retiring employees for further strengthening their profile.

Shri B.N. Jha, Secretary, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises in his address highlighted critical need of PSUs to be comprehensively responsive to changing environment. Outlining fast-paced changes that are touching all economic fields, Shri Jha said that India has been and will continue to be a dominan manufacturing nation. But Indian manufacturing will need to embrace the latest and globally best in the technology and processes to develop and maintain its cutting edge. He highlighted the need for increased R & D investments and development of a futuristic outlook by PSU chiefs in order to gainfully avail the emerging global opportunities. Shri Jha informed the CEOs about setting up of the Technology Tracking Cell and Knowledge Management Group and stated that enterprise level capabilities can be honed only by accepting and imbibing latest technological developments. Shri Jha also mentioned about setting up of separate Task Forces on Exports of Capital Goods Industry and the Automotive Industry.

Shri V.K.Malhotra, Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor of the Ministry asked the PSUs to reduce their dependence on Government and raise resources through innovative and meaningful utilization of unutilized assets. Underlining the need for a cultural change in their functioning, Shri Malhotra called upon the PSU Chiefs to keep a close vigil on global developments in the realm of management and technology.

In the Conference, Chairmen and Managing Directors (CMD) of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, Bharat Bhari Udyog Limited and Engineering Projects India Limited made presentations on various topical issues which were followed by open house discussions. It was decided that this conference would be retained as a platform for regular interactions henceforth.