9th October, 2002
Ministry of Defence



The Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) inspected equipment and goods worth Rs 12808 crore during 2001-02 out of which stores worth Rs 11070 crore were cleared for acquisition. The previous year’s figures stand at Rs 11837 crore and Rs 10647 crore respectively. This was stated by the Defence Minister Shri George Fernandes while addressing the meeting of the Consultative Committee for Defence, held here today. While lauding DGQA for its vital role in the field of quality assurance, the Minister said that there was still room for improvement.

Shri Fernandes informed the members that DGQA is also taking up quality assurance of imported equipment and weapon systems being acquired by the Armed Forces. He said this is being carried out by DGQA experts not only in the manufacturing country but also on arrival at the Indian depots. Shri Fernandes said that during the last three years imported equipment worth over Rs 2500 crores were quality assured by DGQA. Out of this, equipment worth Rs 300 crore approx. were rejected and quality claims raised for replacement.

Earlier giving a brief presentation the Director General of DGQA Lt Gen MK Chari informed the members that percentage cost of inspection was 1.72 during 2001-02, while the same is around 2 per cent all over the world. Gen Chari said that stores worth Rs 245.31 crore were indigenised during 2001-02. Some of the major items indigenised include ammunition and spares for 155 mm Bofors Guns, large number of spares for weapon systems and vehicles of East European origin.

While complimenting DGQA for its role in the field of quality assurance, the members expressed their concern over the high rate of 10 per cent in rejection of stores. Some members expressed the apprehension that staff deficiency in DGQA may affect its performance and urged the Government to fill the vacant posts at the earliest. Expressing concern over the large number of MiG crashes one member questioned the role of Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance in the up gradation of MiG-21 Bis aircraft.

The following members attended the meeting - Shri Gurucharan Singh Galib (Indian National Congress), Smt. Jayshree Banerjee (Bharatiya Janata Party), Capt. Inder Singh (INLD), Shri Kunwar Akhilesh Singh (SP), Shri Vinay Katiyar (BJP), Shri Mansoor Ali Khan (BSP), Shri M Rajaiah (TDP) and Dr. C Krishnan (MDMK) from Lok Sabha and Shri Swaraj Kaushal (HVP), Shri S Agniraj (DMK), Shri Balwant P Apte (BJP), Shri SR Bommai JD(S) and Shri Rao Man Singh (INLD) from Rajya Sabha.

The Minister of State for Defence Production and Supplies Shri Harin Pathak and Minister of State for Defence Shri Chaman Lal Gupta were amongst those present at the meeting.