9th October, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



The 8th Session of the Indo-Libyan Joint Commission began here today with both the countries expressing the desire to enhance bilateral commercial and industrial cooperation given that the present level of trade and business is way below the actual potential. The Indian delegation to the 3-day Joint Commission Meeting is being led by Dr. Raman Singh, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, while the high-level Libyan delegation is headed by Mr. Saad Mustafa Mujber, Assistant Secretary (Foreign Affairs).

Addressing the Joint Commission, Dr. Raman Singh underlined the scope for boosting bilateral trade by broad-basing the trade basket and focussing on non-traditional items. Emphasising the possibility of joint ventures and direct business contacts between the two countries, the Minister said that Indo-Libyan joint ventures could be set up especially in the areas of hydro carbons, power, electricals etc., and stressed that both sides should continue to work together for identifying joint projects in these sectors. "India’s strengths in the areas of pharmaceuticals, electronics, information & technology, bio-technology, textiles, leather, consumer goods and agriculture are well recognised. Indian organisations can supply complete plant and equipment in the power generation and transmission, rail transport infrastructure, cement and construction sectors. We are ready to share our experience, expertise and technical know-how for economic cooperation with Libya. In addition, there is scope for providing Indian consultancy and managerial services for running industrial units, banks and other financial institutions", Dr. Raman Singh said. He also urged the Libyan side to settle the question of outstanding dues of Indian companies in Libya to the satisfaction of both sides, adding that an early resolution would help in creating a conducive environment to promote and expand bilateral trade and industrial relations.

The Libyan side reciprocated by expressing its desire to have closer economic ties with India especially in the area of projects covering sectors like hydro carbons, power and infrastructure including railways. On bilateral trade, the issue of settlement of trade disputes and removal of restrictions on import of certain goods to Libya were discussed as also general issues relating to repatriation of earnings/revision of the ceiling of remittance of salary of Indian workers.

The 3-day Session of the Indo-Libyan Joint Commission is scheduled to conclude on Friday, 11 October with the signing of Agreed Minutes by Dr. Raman Singh and Mr. Saad Mustafa Mujber. Both sides are working to conclude agreements on Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion, linking of Delhi and Tripoli by direct flights, information and cultural exchange programmes and an MOU for educational exchange programmes.