20th March, 2003

Ministry of Railways

Research programme of Railways gets a boost
The Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO), a Research and Development body of Indian Railways, has been given the status of a Zonal Railway to give a focused boost to the Research and Development (R&D) activities of the Railways.......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Household consumer expenditure and employment situation in India: Key results
Household consumer expenditure and employment situation in India: Key results.......................

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Unorganised manufacturing sector in India: Key results
Unorganised manufacturing sector in India: Key results .......................

Ministry of Agriculture

Rs. 4000 crore crop insurance paid to farmers
The Union Government will soon announce revised norms for the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) to further increase the coverage of farmers under the scheme, which has reached 106 lakh in 2001-02.......................

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Safe pregnancy facilities vital for maternal health care - Smt. Swaraj
Minister for Health and Family Welfare & Parliamentary Affairs, Smt. Sushma Swaraj has said that corrective measures need to be taken to bring down maternal mortality rate significantly and improve maternal health in general.......................

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology

Sun Microsystem's Chief calls on Shri Arun Shourie
The Department of Information Technology and multi-billion US IT Company, Sun Microsystems have agreed to enhance their cooperation.......................

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Sikkim CM calls on I&B Minister
The Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Pawan Chamling alongwith his Cabinet colleagues called on the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad here today and requested for the early commissioning of the Doordarshan Kendra at Gangtok.......................

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

March 20 observed as Social Empowerment Day to commorate Mahad Satyagrah by Dr. Ambedkar
The Country is observing March 20 as Social Empowerment Day to commorate Mahad Satyagrah undertaken by Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar in Kolaba District in Maharashtra 76 years ago.......................

Ministry of Science & Technology

100 crore Rupee nano science-tech initiative launched
Government has launched a new programme "nano-materials Science and Technology Initiative" (NSTI) to promote research and development in this frontier area of science.......................

Ministry of Rural Development

Kerala gets additional funds for rural housing
The Ministry of Rural Development has released Rs.32.70 lakh as first instalment of additional central assistance to 14 districts of Kerala under Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) during 2002-2003.......................

Ministry of Power

One time Securitisation of Electricity Dues Tripartite Agreement signed
Government and Reserve Bank of India today signed a Tripartite Agreement with States for a one time settlement of State Electricity Dues. So far, 24 states have signed the TPA.......................

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Afghan journalists urged to help speed up development of Afghanistan
The Information & Broadcasting Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad has called upon Afghan journalists to use the skills of information dissemination for speeding up the reconstruction and development of their country.......................

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Government to arrange admission in public schools for meritorious dalit students
The government will arrange admission in public schools for meritorious dalit students.......................

Ministry of Labour & Empowerment

All-India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural and Rural Labourers increases by 2 points each
All-India Consumer Price Index Numbers for Agricultural Labourers and Rural Labourers on base 1986-87:100 for February 2003.......................

Prime Minister's Office

PM to convene All Party Meeting on Iraq on 22nd March
In a Statement, Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs has informed that the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has convened an All Party Meeting to discuss the current situation in Iraq.......................