20th March, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  


March 20 is being observed as Social Empowerment Day to commorate Mahad Satyagrah undertaken by Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar in Kolaba District in Maharashtra 76 years ago. The Satyagrah was launched to end untouchability and press for implementation of the order by Mahad Municipality allowing the `untouchables’ to collect water from Chavdar Tank. The Municipality has passed order since 1924 to this effect but it could not be implemented.

The Bombay Council had on the proposal of veteran social reformer of Maharashtra Shri S K Bhole passed a resolution on August4, 1923. The resolution ordered all government departments and local boards to allow the `Untouchables’ access to public places as they were not allowed to collect water from public tanks nor allowed any facility in school and dharamshals. The resolution of the Bombay Council was not implemented by Municipal Boards. Dr. Ambedkar decided to launch Satyagrah to get the rights to the deprived sections. He launched Water Satyagrah in Mahad and Dharm Satyagrah in Nasik for this purpose.

A huge public meeting was organized at Mahad under the leadership of Dr. Ambedkar on March 19, 1927 and on the following day about 5,000 men and women led by Dr. Ambedkar marched to the Chavdar Tank and washed their hands.

The incident created a new hope among the depressed sections and at the same time it impressed upon them that nothing could be secured without struggle. This was further evident from the fact that upper caste Hindus "purified" the waters of the tank by pouring 108 pitchers of water into it. The Mahad Municipality under pressure withdrew the government order allowing `untouchables’ to collect water from the tank.

Accepting both the challenges, Dr. Ambedkar set up Mahad Satyagrah Samiti and launched a new Satyagrah on 25th December 1927. He set out for Mahad with 200 persons on December 24, 1927. He was enroute joined by thousands of Dalits. On reaching Mahad he was told that a case has been filed in a court as Chavdar Lake happened to be the private property. He postponed the Satyagrah in order not to break the law. But he urged the Dalits to send their children to school and promote education equally among women. He said that education would ensure their empowerment and better future.

Dr. Ambedkar filed a writ in the Court seeking water rights for the Dalits in Chavdar Tank. He personally fought the case, which lingered on for several years. It was after a decade that the Bombay High Court gave a verdict in favour of Dalits on March 17, 1936. It was a historic victory for Dalits both on the moral and the legal grounds.