15th September, 2003

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

Consumer Price Index for Urban Non-manual Employees for August 2003 (Base 1984-85=100)
The All India Consumer Price Index for Urban Non-Manual Employees (CPI(UNME)), on base 1984-85=100, for the month of August, 2003 has been released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation...............................

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Shri Bhawani Prasad, DG, CPWD gets Eminent Engineers Award
Minister for Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan has announced a special package for Creation of employment through the revival of tourism in Jammu and Kashmir...............................

Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation

Jagmohan announces special tourism package for J & K
Shri J.N. Bhawani Prasad, Director General (Works), Central Public Works Department, Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation received this year's "Eminent Engineers Award" instituted by the Institute of Engineers, here today...............................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

We did not yield and proactively engaged in the negotiations: Jaitley
India did not yield on any issue at Cancun and engaged pro-actively in the negotiations, Mr. Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice told newspapers...............................

Ministry of Rural Development

Bihar gets funds for rural drinking water
Ministry of Rural Development has released an amount of Rs.3159.50 lakh to the State Government of Bihar towards first installment of funds against the provisional allocation of Rs.6319.00 lakh under Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) during 2003-04...............................

Ministry of Science & Technology

IIT to set shop abroad
The Government proposes to set up Campuses of IITs abroad...............................

Ministry of Commerce & Industry

Press Note
The Government of India has notified September 15, 2003 as the date for bringing into force the Trade Marks Act, 1999 ...............................

Ministry of Railways

Thrust on research and development in Railways
The Ministry of Railways has begun giving more thrust to Research and Development activities...............................

Ministry of Railways

Railways strengthening rescue and relief works
Indian Railways have taken up strengthening of the infrastructure to speed up rescue and relief works simultaneously in all the Zonal Railways at a cost of Rs. 400 crores...............................