15th September, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


The Government proposes to set up Campuses of IITs abroad. This follows growing demand from developing nations including Sri Lanka, Singapore, Mauritius and countries of West Asia and South East Asia. This is considered one of the main initiatives to promote Indian education abroad. Many expert committees which favoured this approach feel that only our leading Institutions like the IITs, IISc, IIMs with good brand equity can help promote this venture. Once they establish brand for Indian Education abroad others could follow.

The issue was considered at length at the recent meeting of the Council of IITs in New Delhi. The Minister for Human Resource Development, Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi who chaired the meeting called for early submission of the Review Committee report which is looking into this aspect. Dr. Joshi said that most of these countries have low-level of science and technology activities and feel that IITs would serve as stepping stones to give a fillip to their scientific advancement.

The Minister pointed out that Singapore, a considerably well developed country, recently sent a proposal to facilitate the presence of an IIT for postgraduate education and research with industry linkages in Singapore. Such collaboration would be mutually beneficial, Dr. Joshi said. IITs can be able to leverage Singapore into a world-class industrial and R&D hub. Besides, such collaboration will allow the IITs more involvement in post-graduate education of its own graduates, who might otherwise take up post-graduate studies in the US or other countries, he said.

Singapore has the presence of several prestigious technical institutions and IITs could benefit by working with them. The meeting felt that IIT's presence would also help in developing linkages with the entire South East Asia and China, as well as support in promoting India's economic and commercial interest in the Asia-Pacific Region.