An outlay of Rs.
4176.50 crore has been approved during the X Five Year Plan for
universities and higher education sector. The expenditure for
this sector during the VIII and IX Five Year Plans was Rs. 1055.82
crore and Rs. 2270.92 crore respectively.
During the X Plan
period, it is envisaged to increase the enrolment of students
of the relevant age group (18 to 23 years) in higher education
from the existing 6% to 10%. Both conventional and open learning
systems would be used for achieving this goal. Besides, issues
of quality and access, relevance, research and development and
private participation are also proposed to be addressed.
This information
was given by the Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development,
Dr. Vallabhbhai Kahiria in written reply to a question in the
Rajya Sabha today.