9th June, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


The Department of Science and Technology signed an agreement with a private firm here today for promoting as well as creating more awareness about geo-spatial technology. To begin with the two sides will take up the Great Arc for creating awareness. In fact the Great Arc commemorates 200 years of the commencement of surveys in scientific manner in India. An exhibition designed on the Great Arc will showcase the major contributions of Indian surveyors in the fields of surveying and the mapping as well as advances made by India in science and technology and space exploration.

The exhibition will travel to Cambridge in the United Kingdom where a Conference of Heads of Surveying and mapping organsiations from different parts of the world is taking place. Later the exhibition will move to other cities in Britain before reaching London. It will also visit France, Spain and Holland before returning to India by the time the Great Arc bicentenary year concludes.

The Department of Science and Technology is the nodal agency for organising, coordinating and promoting scientific endeavours in terms of surveying and providing maps for a number of organisations including defence and external affairs and developmental agencies. The MoU was initialed by officials from the two sides, in the presence of the Minister of State for Science & Technology, Shri Bachi Singh Rawat.

M/s Rolta India Ltd., an Indian multi-national with whom the MoU was signed will be contributing Rs.2 crore for creating a permanent museum "Maps of the World".