28th July, 2003
Ministry of Steel  


The total production of finished steel in the period April to June 2003 has been provisionally estimated at 84 lakh tonnes as against the production of 77.79 lakh tonnes during the same period last year showing an increase of 8 per cent. Production of pig iron in the same period has been 13.75 lakh tonnes as against the production of 13.04 lakh tonnes in the corresponding period last year registering an increase of 5.4 per cent.

The export of steel during the period has been estimated at 10.5 lakh tonnes with an increase of 41 per cent compared to the same period last year. India continues to be engaged in the OECD initiative aimed at finalising a sectoral steel subsidies agreement. A one day workshop was held in June 2003 to ascertain the views of various associations in the steel industry to the elements of the proposed Steel Subsidies Agreement. A consensus has been arrived at on the baseline concerns of the industry and these will be appropriately projected in the course of the next round of negotiations due in July 2003.