1st July, 2003
Ministry of Rural Development  


Shri Kashiram Rana, Union Minister for Rural Development urged upon international community to promote international trading financial and monetary systems that fully take into account the needs and concerns of developing countries, including through their participation in the global economic decision-making and norm-setting processess. Besides extending financial, technical and technological support to developing countries, a conducive international climate is imperative for sustainable rural development. While addressing a session of the Economic And Social Council in Geneva today Shri Rana highlighted that a paradigm shift in India's development policy and strategy has taken place in the last few years with a major thrust on economic reforms with the human face.

Listing out initiatives and pro-active role taken by the Rural Development Ministry Shri Rana highlighted that more than Rs.100 billion per annum are spend on programmes which generate approximately 720 million mandays of additional employment. This provides food security to the rural poor, besides also creating productive assets. About 1.34 million self help groups have been formed, through the process of social mobilisation.

The Rural Development Minister informed that decentralised local governance and development through peoples' institutions in rural areas has been a major policy thrust in delivery of benefits to the poorer sections of the society. These local bodies have 3.4 million elected representatives, of which one-third are women. Shri Rana highlighted that this is the world's largest single representative-base and also the world's largest experiment in local-democracy.

Underlining the need to provide basic infrastructural facilities in rural areas the Minister told that the Prime Minister's Rural Roads Programme initiated two years ago is to provide road connectivity to 0.16 million unconnected habitations in the rural areas by the year 2007. This connectivity programme has created substantial road network, adding to all around economic activities prosperity,

Shri Rana raised the concerns of developing countries regarding marker access for products and service sectors of export interest to them. He emphasised that without addressing rural poverty and without significant increases in rural incomes and opportunities, sustainable development would not be possible. Shri Rana suggested that this can only be possible if developed countries fulfil speedily the commitment made by them.