1st July, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  


Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas today in a Press Conference announced that the milestone for complete coverage of the programme of blending 5% of ethanol in petrol in notified 9 States and 4 Union Territories, which had commenced from 1st January 2003 and was to be completed by 30th June 2003, stood extended by a further period of three months to 30th September 2003 in view of the on-going expansion of manufacturing capacities in various target States.

Shri Ram Naik, while reiterating Government of India's resolve to ensure full coverage by 2004, said that the extension was necessitated by the relative slowness with which the production infrastructure for anhydrous ethanol was being established in some States and Union Territories. It has resulted in inadequate ethanol supplies. These States have now issued licenses and expansion was underway in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh.

Shri Naik also expressed concern at the heavy dosage of State levies on ethanol and on the blended petrol. The States and UTs were being requested to review these in the larger interests of the economy. He called for simplification of excise procedures and removal of both fiscal and physical barriers to unrestricted inter-state movement of the product.

Tracing the progress of implementation of the programme to date, Shri Naik informed that the States of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra and the UTs of Chandigarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli have achieved full coverage so far. Partial coverage has been achieved in the States of Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Goa and the UT of Daman & Diu would be fully covered shortly. Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry U.T. are still finalizing their infrastructure development plans and are also gearing up for implementation.

A total 255 districts in the notified 9 States and 4 UTs were to be supplied with ethanol blended petrol. Of these, 157 districts have been covered so far including 13 districts in part. All the 71 districts of Uttar Pradesh and the 35 districts of Maharashtra now supply only the blended fuel. In Karnataka, 20 districts have been covered including 7 districts in part out of the total of 27. In Gujarat, in 16 districts out of 25 including 3 in part and in Punjab, in 7 out of 17 districts, ethanol blended petrol supplies are being made. Andhra Pradesh and Haryana have the least coverage at present, at about 10%. In Goa and Tamil Nadu, the coverage is nil as on date.

Shri Naik said that for the programme to be successful, the States and UTs have to encourage increased production of anhydrous ethanol, adopt uniform sales tax of 4%, abolish all export and import fees so as to have free inter-State movement of the product and simplify excise procedures.

Shri Naik also informed that he has convened a meeting of the Chief Ministers and the Administrators of the 9 States and 4 Union Territories on 11th July, to see how best to proceed in removing the hurdles hampering the smooth implementation of the programme. Use of ethanol will improve the environment, aid the farming community, the ailing sugar industry and thus recharge the economy. He also said that the meeting would consider steps required to extend the programme in the remaining States and UTs.

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