20th January, 2003
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation  



The Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation has permitted certain addition and alternation in the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) flats, which can increase covered space by approximately 10-15 percent depending upon the design. This has announced by the Minister for Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Shri Ananth Kumar at a press conference here today. This move will benefit 3.25 lakh DDA flat allottees in the capital.

He said, the Delhi Development Authority had earlier approved a list of 19 condonable items in respect of addition/alteration in the DDA flats. However, there have been further demands for allowing certain additional items of addition/alteration in view of the necessity and the ground situation.

Shri Ananth Kumar said, the Ministry had constituted a Expert Committee which after examining the entire matter including structural safety considerations and taking the views of the Federation of Resident Welfare Associations, submitted its report to the Government. Government after considering the report has since decided to permit the following items of addition/alteration in the DDA flats in addition to the already approved list of condonable items:-

i) Fixing doors in back or front courtyards.

ii) Converting window into Almirah subject to availability of light and ventilation.

iii) Shifting of water storage tank/raising of the parapet wall upto 5’ high and putting additional water storage tank at the location specified subject to capacity of storage of water limited to 550 litres.

iv) Shifting of the front glazing doors/windows upto maximum outside upto existing chajja.

v) Construction of bathroom and WC in the rear courtyard subject to the condition that the existing services are not affected.

vi) Covering of the open terrace with sloping roofs upto 9 ft. high with lightweight material such as fibre glass/AC sheets/GI sheets/pipes and standard angle iron sections, etc. and enclosing with glazing.

vii) Inter-change the position of Kitchen, Bathroom and WC with proper power connection, subject to structural safety.

In respect of the items (v) to (vii), these would be permitted by DDA/MCD on due submission of drawings by the allottees duly certified by the qualified structural engineer. In respect of item No.(vii), consent of all the affected occupants/allottees would also be required to be submitted prior to sanction.

The Minister said, the Government has also agreed, in principle, to permit covering of the courtyards and additional construction thereon as well as construction on roof terrace. DDA has been asked to work out specific details including levy of fees and also the procedure to be followed in this regard and submit specific proposal for approval of the Government.

Shri Ananth Kumar said this will, however, not lead to any increase in the number of dwelling units and therefore, there would be no extra load on the existing services. Moreover, the following aspects are required to be ensured:-

a) There is no encroachment on the public land.

b) Structural stability of the building is ensured.

c) Light and ventilation of the habitable rooms is ensured as per the building bye-laws.

d) There is no infringement of other’s rights.

e) The service elements such as manhole, rainwater fittings, sanitary fittings, etc. are not disturbed and remain accessible for periodical inspection and maintenance.