19th February, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


The visiting Malaysian Minister for Primary Industries, Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, called on Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice, here today and discussed matters of bilateral trade interest. The Malaysian Minister urged reduced levels of duties on crude and refined palm oil and making it at par with soyabean oil. In this context, he informed that in view of the lower production this year and rising demand in India and China, the two main consumers of Malaysian palm oil, prices would continue to rise in the near future and therefore, sought India’s help through reduced duties. Shri Jaitley pointed out that since the matter concerned the Ministries of Agriculture, Consumer Affairs and Finance, the request would be duly conveyed to them. Responding to Dr. Yaik’s proposal for joint ventures in edible oil refining, Shri Jaitley suggested that such units could be set up in the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India which would provide the advantage of duty-free import of crude palm oil for export of refined palm oil. India has requested Malaysia to expedite approval of abattoirs to facilitate meat exports from India and also indicated ONGC’s interest for participation in the greater Nile Oil Project in Sudan. Shri Dipak Chatterjee, Commerce Secretary and Shri Vinay Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry were present at the meeting.

Taking note of the current trends in bilateral trade, both sides agreed to promote counter-trade to ensure balanced growth. Shri Jaitley reiterating the scope for Indian projects including the IRCON project in Malaysia which would help in addressing the balance of trade which has been consistently in favour of Malaysia. Bilateral trade was US $ 1904.37 million in 2001-02. Of this US $ 1133.44 million constituted India’s imports from Malaysia and US $ 770.93 million India’s exports to Malaysia.