19th February, 2003
President's Secretariat  


The Mughal Gardens of Rashtrapati Bhavan, is thrown open to the public every year during February-March, at the onset of spring. This year, the Gardens will be open to the public on all days from 20th February to 25th February and from 5th March to 16th March from 0930 hrs. to 1600 hrs. except on Mondays being maintenance days.

The Gardens, contiguous to the main building of Rashtrapati Bhavan covers an area of 15 acres. It was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens inspired by the beautiful gardens of Jammu & Kashmir, the garden around the Taj Mahal and Persian and Indian miniature paintings. .

The Gardens comprise three parts: the first is the rectangular garden adjacent to the main Rashtrapati Bhavan building, which is divided into four quarters, each with terraced gardens on either side. The central lawn here is the venue of numerous receptions and At Homes hosted by the President. The second is the long garden, leading on to the third section which is the circular garden. The long garden has separate beds of roses with a dwarf-trimmed hedge, giving the effect of ‘coloured knots on a vast carpet’. The circular garden, also known as the ‘pearl garden’ or the ‘butterfly garden’, presents a feast of colours, with each tier overflowing with flowers and separated from the next, by a patch of green.

The Garden derives its evergreen character from trees like Moulsri (Mimusops Elengi), Putranjiva Roxburgi, Cypress, Thuja Orientalis, China Orange, shrubs of roses and a variety of climbers.

The Garden has numerous varieties of roses like "Bonne Nuit" and "Oklahoma" which are nearest to being black. In blues it has "Paradise", "Blue Moon" and "Lady X". Various annuals are grown in beds and formal borders according to their heights and colours to produce harmonious effect.

Varieties like Calendula, Antirrhinum, Alyssum, Dimorphotheca, Eschscholzia, Larkspur, Gazania, Gerbera, Godetia, Lineria, Mesembryanthemum, Brachycome, Metucharia, Verbena, Viola, Pansy, Stock etc. grow well in flowerbeds. Dahlias, Carnations and Sweet Pea stand out because of their range of colours. Naturalizing effect is created by bulbous flowering plants like Narcissus, Fressia, Zephyranthus, Gladiola, Asiatic Lily etc.

The Long Garden or the ‘purdah’ Garden, so called because of its shape and being enclosed by high walls, lies to the west of the main garden. It has 16 square rose beds hemmed in low hedges. There is a red sandstone pergola over the central pavement covered with Rose, Petrea (Purple wreath), Bougainvillea and Grape Vine. Along the walls are lined the resplendent China Orange trees whose fruits outnumber the leaves.

There is a circular (or ‘pearl’ or ‘butter fly’ or ‘sunken’) garden at the western edge. It is a huge terraced bowl lined with various fragrant and vibrant annuals. A bubble fountain in the middle of this bowl enhances the grandeur of the place.

The entry and exit into the Gardens is regulated from Gate No.35 of the President’s Estate, which is located near North Avenue, at the Western end of Church Road.

Visitors are requested not to bring any handbags, brief cases, cameras, radios/transistors, cell phones, arms/ammunition, lunch boxes and eatables etc. Such articles, if any, will not be allowed to be carried into the Mughal Gardens and will have to be deposited at the entry point at the owner’s risk.

Schools desirous of organizing a visit of children below the age of 10 years to the Mughal Gardens during this period may contact Section Officer (Invitation), Rashtrapati Bhavan (Tel: 23012960 & 23015321 Extn.4229), two days in advance so that their entry could be arranged on priority basis.

The entry will be from 0930 hrs. to 1530 hrs. only. No entry will be possible after 1530 hrs. though the Garden will remain open upto 1600 hrs.

The special feature this year will be display of thirty to forty varieties of Bonsai plants some as old as 50 to 70 years.


Mughal Garden Poem


Dear Friends,

Delighted you visited us

Mughal Garden today,

We, trees, Lovely, salute you for

You gave us happiness

We flowers, Beauty and Fragrance,

Experienced bliss; Thank you

When you go home, remember us
Plant a sapling of a tree or a flower


God bless you.

-Mughal Garden

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