19th February, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



India and Australia have agreed to work together in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for implementation of the Doha Development Agenda without dilution. Both the countries have exchanged views on regional cooperation and trade agreements, including WTO matters and expressed concern at the high level of agricultural support and protection by many developed countries, which distort world agricultural markets. This is indicated in the Agreed Minutes of the 8th Session of the India-Australia Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) signed here today by Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice on behalf of the Government of India and by Mr. Mark Vaile, Australian Minister for Trade, who led their respective delegations at the three-day meeting. Both sides reiterated their commitment to retaining special & differential treatment for developing countries. They also expressed disappointment at the lack of consensus on TRIPs & Public Health. Shri Dipak Chatterjee, Commerce Secretary, was present on the occasion along with Shri Vinay Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, besides Ms. Penny Wensley, the Australian High Commission to India and other members of the high-level Australian delegation accompanying Mr. Vaile.

The Ministers noted with satisfaction the increasingly diverse and substantial nature of commercial relationship between India and Australia as well as the scope for further expansion of commercial ties between the two countries in both existing and new areas. India and Australia have a two-way trade of approximately US $ 1.7 billion (2001-02) with the balance of trade in favour of Australia at US $ 1.3 billion. Australian exports to India are mainly coal and wool while Indian exports include cotton yarn, fabrics and footwear.

The discussions covered all sectors of mutual interest such as energy, minerals, IT, telecommunications, tourism, education, quarantine regulations, market access and regional and multilateral trade. Both the Ministers agreed to expand direct investment and cooperation between the two countries in areas like telecommunications, power, roads & highways, ports, airports, IT, biotechnology, tourism, chemicals, and manufacturing & energy related sectors including coal and LNG. It was noted that in the past 11 years, upto October 2002, a total of 7500 FDI proposal had been approved amounting to US $ 2 billion.

On bilateral issues relating to specific products, the two sides agreed to examine expanding the scope of the present MOU for fish & fisheries products between the Export Inspection Council (EIC) of India and the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) to cover other items like rice, honey, tea, cashew, milk products, basmati rice, spices, egg products, poultry and meat products. The possibility of entering into similar MOUs with the Department of Animal Husbandry for animal quarantine and certification services will also be examined.

Australia will also send a technical team to examine harvesting and pest treatment of mangoes for export to Australia.

The presentation made by the Joint Working Group on Energy & Minerals set up under the last JMC identified several areas of cooperation such as regulatory reforms in the energy sector, supply of LNG on a reliable and cost competitive basis, supply of coal to power stations, coal mining, clean coal technologies, coal washeries, underground gasification, coal bed methane prospecting, participation in bids for petroleum exploration, mine closure practices, fly ash disposal, assistance in exploitation of hydro potential in Himalayas etc. The Working Group was found useful and it was decided to continue the same. Similarly another Group on Fibres and Textiles presented its report identifying areas with potential for enhanced bilateral cooperation through education, training and product development.

An MOU is under consideration for cooperation in the telecommunication sector. It was also agreed to develop an action plan under an MOU signed on Tourism in 2002. A revised draft MOU on Education for an educational exchange programme was provided to the Australian side as an umbrella agreement under which specific MOUs could be formulated between counterpart institutions of the two countries.

The Joint Business Council (JBC) also held its 14th meeting in New Delhi on 18th February, 2003 which was addressed by Shri Jaitley and Mr. Vaile. It underscored the strong commercial linkages between the two countries and enabled delegates to have discussions on areas of mutual interest. It has also been decided to hold the next JMC in Australia in 2004 on a mutually convenient date.