21st April, 2003
Ministry of Tourism & Culture  


Foreign tourist arrivals in the month of march, 2003 when the gulf war was on is estimated to be around 2.20 lakhs which shows a growth of 1.6% as compared to the tourist arrivals in the month of March 2002. With the revival trend in tourist arrivals with effect from October 2002, the average growth rate for the period October 2002 to February 2003 is estimated to be 15.5%. This was informed by the Minister for Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan in a reply to a question by S/Shri J.S. Brar and Manikrao Hodlya Gavit in Lok Sabha today.

Shri Jagmohan further informed that the Department of Tourism has the following short-term and long-term plans to promote tourism thereby attracting foreign tourists:

  • Positioning and maintaining tourism development as a National priority activity.
  • Enhancing and maintaining the competitiveness of India as a tourism destination.
  • Improving India’s existing tourism products and expanding these to meet new market requirements.
  • Creation of world class infrastructure.
  • Developing sustained and effective market plans and programmes.
  • Special thrust to rural and small segment tourism.
  • Attention to civilisational issues and issues pertaining to civic administration, good governance and also of social and cultural values.
  • Development of tourism circuits and tourism-cum-cultural hubs.