17th April, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  


The Deputy Prime Minister, Shri L.K. Advani today released Census Data on Housing, Amenities and Assets and a CD on CensusInfo India 2001 at a function, here today. The Census Data and CD has been produced by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India in collaboration with UNICEF.

Commending the efforts by the Registrar General of India in bringing out several packages on the various aspects of Census in the country, the Home Minister, Shri Advani said that the data on housing, household amenities and assets for Census 2001 assumes great importance because it allows us to take stock of how much we have progressed in these fronts after fifty-five years of independence and on the other hand it tells us how much more distance we are yet to travel to meet the basic needs of our people. The data will be of immense use to the planners and policy makers at the National and State level in several social and economic fields.

Referring to the presentation made on the occasion he said the data showed that the country has made considerable progress on several fronts. "But the question is are we moving fast enough? Is the progress uniform throughout the country?" These are some of the questions which the data released today when subjected to a rigorous analysis will answer, he said. It gives the policy makers, planners and administrators an opportunity to take stock of the current situation and help taking objective decisions, plan and implement schemes and programmes so as to help our countrymen live a reasonably decent life, free of misery and want.

For this he said a climate of optimism is necessary and also strong determination and commitment. If India is to come up as a developed country by the year 2020 a lot of effort will have to be put in to bring in perceptible change in the life of our people not only in urban areas but people at grassroot level. Because it is the rural area and far off interior belts where the people need more attention in the aspect of health, hygiene, provision of safe drinking water, housing and cloths which are basic needs to live a decent life.

Shri Advani also praised the Registrar of Census and the Staff for the effort in launching a Map site on the Census Website which enables the user to draw on-line thematic maps based on census data, recently.

Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Shri K.C. Pant highly applauded the commendable work done by the Census Commissioner and staff and said that the Planning Commission entirely depends on such data to plan developmental schemes and programmes in different regions in the country. He said it is the correct data which helps a country to device the future plan of action to bring in noticeable change in the life of its people.

The UNICEF Country Representative in India Ms. Maria Calivis presented an overview on the CensusInfo India 2001, with graphic details.