25th September, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Two new uranium mines have been opened up in the State of Jharkhand. Pre-project activities for the commencement of uranium mining at three more sites have also been undertaken by the Department of Atomic Energy. With this, the expansion of India’s nuclear power programme is being suitably backed up with innovative reactor systems and use of thorium resources. India has vast thorium reserves and a detailed design report has been prepared for the Advanced Heavy Water Reactors, to exploit thorium for the production of energy.

Recognising the important role of nuclear power in meeting the long-term energy requirements, India has accorded high priority to self-reliance in this field. This has enabled a strong indigenous capability in all aspects of nuclear fuel cycle. Given the nuclear resource profile available within the country, considerable work has also been done on the design and development of plutonium-uranium oxide fuelled 500 MW prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at Kalpakkam. The specific energy consumption in heavy water production has been further reduced resulting in lowering of costs. This along with significant reduction in the construction time schedule, will enable India to make nuclear power even more competitive.