25th September, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


Out of a total of 2.04 crore cases pending in district and subordinate courts all over the country, 1,89,32,845 cases are pending in seven States. These are Uttar Pradesh with 3480642 cases followed by Gujarat with 3203867 cases, Maharashtra with 2730069 cases, Madhya Pradesh with 1342275 cases, West Bengal with 1305855 cases, Bihar with 1277396 cases and Karnataka with 1040606 cases. The remaining cases are pending in the rest of the States.

With the setting up of all the 1734 Fast Track Courts during the current financial year 2002-2003 all over the country, and 2216 vacancies in district and subordinate courts to be filled during the course of the year as per the direction of the Supreme Court of India, the process of expediting the disposal of the pending cases will accelerate.

Following the recent amendment in the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, effected early this year, a large number of cases relating to public utility services like public transport, telephone, water, electricity, insurance, hospital/medicare, civic amenities and so on are to be transferred from the existing courts to the Permanent Lok Adalats for the final disposal. This will also dent the pendency of cases in the subordinate courts, which are likely to be relieved largely of the burden of public utility cases.

Added to this, the amendments of 1999 and 2002 effected in the Civil Procedure Code from July 1, 2002 compressing the entire procedure of civil suits from institution to disposal in about an year’s time, will further reduce pendency of cases in subordinate courts.

In addition, the proposed amendment in the criminal laws for expediting administration of criminal justice system, based on Justice V.S. Mallimath Committee Report on Streamlining Criminal Justice System, which is likely to be received shortly, will provide further fillip to expediting criminal cases in our courts.