4th October, 2002
Ministry of Finance  


The Central Government have issued a notification on 27th September, 2002 substituting Appendix-I to the Income-tax Rules, 1962 relating to rates at which depreciation is admissible. As per the substituted Appendix, a rate of 80% has been prescribed in case of certain air pollution control equipment, water pollution control equipment, solid waste control equipment, energy saving devices, renewable energy devices, etc. which are at present eligible for 100% depreciation.

Books other than annual publications used by assessees carrying on profession shall now depreciate at the rate of 60% as against the present rate of 100% whereas books owned by assessees carrying on the business of running lending libraries would continue to depreciate at 100%.

Buildings have been classified as buildings mainly used for residential purposes excluding hotels and boarding houses (rate 5%) and all other buildings (10%) as against the present classification of buildings used for residential and mainly for commercial purposes. The existing rate of 20% available to buildings used as hotels and buildings with dwelling units each with a plinth area not exceeding 80 square meters will no longer be available.

A single rate of 15% for depreciation of furniture and fittings as against the present rates of 10% and 15%. For computers including computer software, a rate of 60% depreciation has been prescribed.

Another category under the heading "Buildings" has been added so as to include therein buildings which are acquired by the assessee on or after the 1st September, 2002 and in which machinery and plant forming part of water supply project or water treatment system are installed and which is put to use for the purpose of business of providing infrastructure facility as envisaged in the provisions of section 80-IA(4)(i). These assets shall depreciate at the rate of 100%. Further, a rate of 100% depreciation has been prescribed for machinery and plant acquired and installed on or after 1st September, 2002 in a water supply project or a water treatment system and which is put to use for the purpose of business of providing infrastructure facility as envisaged in the provisions of section 80-IA(4)(i). The concessions have been provided with a view to encourage private initiatives for setting up of plants for desalinization/demineralization and purification of water and supply of purified water to members of public.

A copy of the notification as well as the substituted Appendix-I is available on the web-site of the Ministry of Finance (finmin.nic.in) located under CBDT in the Department of Revenue.