29th July, 2002
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Science & Technology and Ocean Development  


The utilisation of patents of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology has been found to be much higher than the global average. While more than 7 percent of CSIR patents are utilised, the global average remains less than 5 percent. The CSIR and its laboratories file the highest number of patents not only in the country but also abroad by any Indian entity. Efforts are also on to reduce the process-duration of a patent application in India. It takes about 3 years for processing a patent application abroad, depending on the country.

During 2001-02, the CSIR filed 410 patents within the country and got granted probably the highest number of 341 patents so far. The previous year while the patents filed were 410, the granted were only 117.

In case of CSIR patents abroad, the number of applications filed during 2001-02 totalled 580 and granted amounted to 86. In comparison with the previous year, both the filed and granted were much higher. The most notable feature is that during 1999-2000 the CSIR filed 199 patents only and was granted 35.