16th July, 2002
Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs  



The Family Courts disposed of 1,54,513 cases throughout the country during the last three years. Keeping in view, the number of cases disposed of by the Family Courts, it is expected that the setting up of new Family Courts will reduce burden of pending cases in the subordinate courts to some extent.

At present, 96 Family Courts are functioning in the country. These courts, constituted under the Family Courts Act, 1984, adjudicate amicably, without the formal help of lawyers, family disputes relating to marriage, maintenance of children and aged parents.

Following the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on Empower of Women in its 5th Report, the Centre has addressed the States and Union Territories urging them to set up more Family Courts so that at least, one Family Court is established in each district for settling cases of family disputes. As a sequel to that, the Centre has also decided to extent grant on the basis of 50 per cent sharing by the States not only for the construction of court rooms but also for meeting 50 per cent of the running expenses. These grants are limited to Rs. 10 lakh per court for construction of the court room, residence of judge and Rs. 5 lakh for annual running expense of new Family Courts being set up during the current financial year 2002-2003. Thirty-four additional Family Courts are being set up in the current financial year under the new scheme.