11th July, 2002
Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs  


The States have begun setting up of a total of 34 new Family Courts during the current financial year 2002-2003 on cost sharing basis between the Centre and the States following the recommendations of the Committee on Empowerment of Women in its fifth Report. Accordingly, Chhattisgarh is setting up two Family Courts, Gujarat three, Kerala seven, Madhya Pradesh seven, Manipur one, Uttaranchal 13 and West Bengal one such Courts.

These Family Courts, being setting up, are based on proposals received from these seven States. At present, 85 Family Courts exist all over the country.

The Centre has provided Rs. 1.7 crore for 50 per cent assistance to running of Family Courts at the rate of Rs. 5 lakhs per court. In addition, funds are being provided from the Plan side for construction of court buildings and residences for judges of Family Courts at the rate of Rs. 10 lakhs per court, which comes to Rs. 7.50 lakhs as 50 per cent contribution from the Centre for construction of Family Courts and Rs. 2.5 lakh on the same basis for construction of residence of Family Court judge. Besides, the Centre, if necessary, will provide to States and Union Territories funds even by re-appropriation under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme.

The Family Courts are constituted under the Family Courts Act, 1984 to resolve family disputes relating to marital discords, maintenance of children and old and dependent parents amicably without the help of lawyers to maintain the sanctity and nobility of family with attendant privacy and intact dignity.