24th June, 2003
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment  



The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is being observed on 26th June 2003. This year the theme is "Let us Talk About Drugs…".

India is estimated to have about 3 million (0.3 percent of total population) people addicted to different kinds of drug usage excluding alcohol dependents Over the years, drug addiction is becoming an area of concern as traditional moorings, effective social taboos, emphasis on self-restrain and pervasive control and discipline of joint family and community are eroding. The stresses of modern life are changing social milieu have also been partly responsible for proliferation of drug abuse. The introduction of synthetic drugs and intravenous drug use leading to HIV/AIDs has added a new dimension to the problem, especially in the northeastern states. The sero-positivity among the drug addicts in Manipur is about 70 percent.

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (SJ&E) being the nodal ministry in the Central Government for prevention and control of drug abuse has adopted a three-pronged strategy consisting of:

  1. Building Awareness and Educating people about ill-effects of drug abuse,
  2. Dealing with addicts through programme of motivational counseling, treatment, follow up and social-reintegration of recovered addicts, and
  3. To impart drug abuse prevention /rehabilitation training to volunteers with a view to build an educated cadre of service providers.

The Ministry has been implementing the Scheme for Prohibition and Drug Abuse Prevention since 1985-86. Under it, grant-in-aid upto 90% is provided to eligible NGOs for providing services through the counseling and awareness centres, de-addiction cum rehabilitation centres and for running awareness programmes. Around 400 voluntary organisations are financially assisted for maintaining 450 Centres all over the country comprising of about 300 De-addiction –cum Rehabilitation Centres and 90 Counseling and Awareness Centres. About 25 crore rupees are annually released for this scheme. More than 4 lakh victims of drug abuse are being assisted annually at these Centres. Over Rs. 140 crore have been allocated under the 10th Plan for prevention and control of drug abuse.

The Counseling and Awareness Centres are also engaged in generation of wide range awareness in varied community settings. These awareness programmes are supplemented and complimented by the Ministry with active

utilisation of various media channels for sensitizing the community at large. The overall approach is to comprehensively address the wide spread ignorance and lack of information on the ill effects of drug abuse and to create an atmosphere of abstinence from drugs.

In order to meet the demand of service providers involved in drug demand reduction activities and to bring quality improvement in the service delivery, the SJ&E Ministry has set up a National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention (NC-DAP) under the agies of the National Institute of Social Defence. The NC-DAP is serving as an apex body in the country in the field of training, research and documentation in the field of Drug Abuse Prevention and is mandated to serve as a Centre of Excellence in the region. The Ministry in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is implementing a project on "Developing Community Drug Rehabilitation and Workplace Prevention Programme". The objective of the project is to sensitize and train voluntary organisations on prevention of alcoholism and substance abuse at the workplace. A number of corporate institutions have also volunteered their involvement in the project.

Available Government infrastructure and services have been integrated with the services offered by the NGO sector for dealing with associated health problems such as TB, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis etc. One of the successful initiatives towards inter-sectoral collaboration has been the integration of HIV/AIDS prevention programme into the substance abuse programme of 100 NGO run Deaddiction Centres supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.