29th September, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  



In a major initiative, Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas released the draft Natural Gas Pipeline Policy for the development of natural gas sector and optimum utilisation of the gas available from various sources in the country. In accordance with the draft Policy, transportation of all gas is envisaged to be done through a network of pipelines laid with the authorisation granted by the Regulator through a transparent mechanism. Shri Ram Naik informed that the draft Policy has been placed on the Website of Ministry (www.petroleum.nic.in) for soliciting suggestions from various stake holders, interested organizations and public latest by 31st October 2003.

Addressing a Press Conference here today, Shri Ram Naik informed that according to draft Policy, all trunk pipelines covering more than one State or operating at a pressure more than the notified level will be built/managed by a company to be notified by the Government, and till it is notified by GAIL. It is proposed to set up a National Gas Grid consisting of 7,000 Km long pipeline network at a cost of around Rs. 18,000 crore over the next 5-6 years. Further, any producer of gas, subject to prior permission of the Regulator (and Central Government for the PSUs) will have the right to sell gas within 100 Kms. of well-head or land-fall point to consumers directly and lay the pipeline for this purpose.

Shri Naik announced that the Policy envisages appointment of a Regulator under the Petroleum Regulatory Board Bill 2002 for regulating transmission, distribution, supply and storage system for natural gas/LNG and to promote development of the sector. The Regulator will ensure access to the gas pipelines on non-discriminatory common carrier principle for all users. He will also approve pipeline tariff for the common carrier pipelines. Till the Regulatory Board is set up, the Government will perform functions of the Regulator.

It is also proposed to set up a "National Advisory Council" to promote and develop the gas sector which will consist of stakeholders of gas grid system including State governments. The Council will give advice on the matters to the Government, and if desired, to the Regulator.

Shri Ram Naik emphasized that the draft Pipeline Policy has features which would promote investment in gas pipelines and will provide a policy framework for the systematic development of gas sector. He said there is a need to provide a proper linkage between gas sources and its market centres along with inter-connectivity between regions, consumers and producers. With the recent major discoveries of gas in the K.G. Basin on the Eastern Coast and other discoveries on the Western Coast and in Rajasthan, it is expected that the domestic production of natural gas will increase substantially. LNG imports will also become a reality when India’s first LNG terminal being set up by Petronet LNG Limited at Dahej starts its operations from January 2004.

With all these efforts, the natural gas is on the threshold of playing a much bigger role in the energy sector of India. This policy framework will greatly benefit the core sectors of the Indian economy namely, power, fertilizer and steel. The draft Policy is also expected to give an impetus to the development of CNG projects for supply of gas to the vehicles in different cities on the lines of CNG Projects in Delhi and Mumbai and lead to significant reduction in vehicular pollution bringing environmental benefits. The growth of these sectors will galvanize the economy of the nation as a whole.

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