29th September, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



Agriculture Secretary, Shri R.C.A Jain asked all the states to prepare an action plan to double up the food production by 2012 to implement the Prime Minister’s Independence Day announcement . He was opening the National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2003-04, here today. Shri Jain said that the conference would also focus on the various initiatives by the Ministry in the areas of market reforms, use of mass media for agriculture extension Farm Income Protection Programme and Land Policy Reforms concepts.

Shri Jain emphasized that the Farm Income Insurance Programme has been prepared after brain storming session with states. He promised that the programme would be a powerful medium aimed at reaching the benefits of Minimum Support Price (MSP) to all farmers and would radically change the agriculture in the country. He said that the Indian farmer must have advantage of choosing best of various insurance packages available in this sector.

The Secretary called upon the conference to ensure that the small and marginal farmer is brought in the process of agriculture development in the country and to reach them the fruits of reforms and new initiatives. He also emphasized the new initiatives likes contract farming, land leasing and land share companies would ensure that the largest share in the final price of agriculture produce reaches the producer.

Shri Jain asked the States who experienced the worst drought of 2002 to prepare the documentation of drought management efforts in their respective states. He expected a good harvest in this year as the country has received a very good monsoon. The good monsoon and particularly September rains would also help in getting a good Rabi harvest.

Dr. Mangala Rai, DG, ICAR, said synergies are to be brought in various agriculture-based activities. He discussed the issues on transforming Indian agriculture. Various sectors of agriculture will be integrated for sustainability, Dr. Mangla Rai added. Judicious use of vast available natural and human resources are the immediate need for the development of agriculture, he said.

The two-day conference would discuss Kharif scenario and preparedness for Rabi for the current year. Senior officials from the Ministry and state agriculture departments are attending, the conference.