25th September, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Agriculture Ministry has suggested some steps to the States for achieving a quantum jump in the production of pulses. These include emphasis on the production and distribution of seeds of improved varieties of pulses, balanced use of nutrients including Sulphur, seed treatment with the Rhizobium culture, irrigation at the critical stage of the crop growth, use of the sprinkler mode of irrigation, adequate availability of bio-control agents like NPV for controlling pod borer, the major pest.

The Ministry has also highlighted the need to encourage the inter-cropping and multiple cropping of Rabi pulses. Although there is not much scope for expansion of area under pulses, the expansion of area coverage is possible through inter-cropping and multiple cropping, The scope exists for cultivation of Gram as inter-crop with Mustard in Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Northern Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Similarly, inter-cropping of Gram with Safflower and Linseed can also be encouraged in Maharashtra, Gujarat, U.P. and Bihar. Lentil cultivation as inter-crop with Mustard also needs to be encouraged in Madhya Pradesh, U.P. and Bihar.

The cultivation of Gram and Lentil after the harvest of rice may be promoted in Bihar and Assam and as inter-crop cultivation in rice in U.P., Bihar, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. Enough scope also exists for introduction of Rabi Rajmash in U.P., Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab , Haryana and Gujarat which has high yield potential and is the most remunerative pulse crop.

The cultivation of spring or summer Moong and Urad also needs to be given greater emphasis. Urad and Moong can be encouraged as an inter-crop with spring summer planted sugarcane and as a sole crop after the harvest of Mustard, Potato, Sugarcane and Wheat. The cultivation needs to be encouraged in U.P., Bihar, Punjab, Haryana and parts of Rajasthan.

The Centrally sponsored National Pulses Development Project ( NPDP) is currently under implementation in 30 States and Union Territories. In 2002-2003, a central allocation of Rs. 31 crore was made. The outlay of NPDP during the current financial year is Rs. 32.4 crores as Central share. Funding is on 75:25 basis between Central and State Governments in all components except a few where the Central assistance is 100%.