22nd September, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  


The Deputy Prime Minister, Shri L.K. Advani today said that the proxy war being waged against India from across the border continues as before. The infrastructure of terrorism – training camps, communication networks, financing conduits, infiltration, supply of arms are still intact.

Shri Advani was addressing the 31st annual Training Conference of the Border Security Force, here this morning. He said that the Prime Minister’s initiative for renewed friendship with Pakistan has failed to evoke any meaningful response from across the border. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee had in a public speech at Srinagar renewed India’s offer of friendship with Islamabad and the entire world acclaimed Shri Vajpayee’s move. But Islamabad has failed to avail this opportunity.

The Deputy Prime Minister said Pakistan justifies terrorism in the name of Kashmir. He also said that those engaged in a war against terrorism must assert that there can be no justification whatsoever for the killing of innocent men, women and children. There can be no alibi, no rationale for terrorism. Indeed, it is distressing to hear people trying to explain away even the recent killings in Mumbai as being a reaction to Gujarat which is not correct. He highly applauded and also complemented the Border Security Force for its recent anti-terrorist successes in J&K particularly its ability to track down and eliminate Ghazi Baba, the mastermind behind the attack on the Indian Parliament.

The Home Minister lauded the superior training being imparted at the BSF Training Academy at Tekanpur near Gwalior and this is one of the Centres of excellence for BSF training.