16th September, 2003
Prime Minister's Office  


The following is the text of the statement of the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee prior to his departure for Turkey & New York today:

"I leave today for an official bilateral visit to the Republic of Turkey and New York.

Our relations with Turkey are as old as its great civilization. We are now witnessing a new commitment and surge to our cooperation. In the recent past, bilateral exchanges have intensified and our trade has increased significantly.

We share common values of secularism and democracy with this important country which straddles the continents of Europe and Asia. Both political and economic factors encourage an expansion of our cooperation. My visit will give me an opportunity to establish contact with the leadership of the new Government in Turkey. I look forward to exchanging views on international and regional issues with Prime Minister Erdogan and other representatives of the Turkish leadership.

Besides Ankara, I will also be visiting the historic and commercial city of Istanbul.

A large Indian business delegation is accompanying me in Turkey, an Indian industry exhibition is being held in Istanbul. The business interactions should provide a sound basis for significantly expanded Indo-Turkish economic cooperation.

From Turkey I will proceed to New York for the 58th Session of the UN General Assembly. There are a number of issues of international concern facing the world and particularly our region. The role and structure of the UN has itself been called into question by some recent developments. Presence at the UNGA provides the opportunity for exchange of views on these matters with a number of world leaders from different regions.

As on all my visits abroad, I will interact with the community of Indian origin in both Turkey and USA to acquaint myself with the community’s perspectives on developments in India and its progress and successes in its country of domicile."