4th September, 2003
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


India and Italy look forward to expand cooperation between the two creative film industries and bring India and Italy closer through films in a globalising world. This was stated by the Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad after signing a Letter of Intent (LOI) to sign an Agreement on Co-production of Films and Co-distribution between India and Italy with his Italian counterpart, Mr. Giuliano Urbani at Venice, Italy today. The Minister said on the occasion that India and Italy look forward to signing this Agreement during the forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Berlusconi to India.

For some time now there has been discussion between Italy and India for the signing of a co-production agreement between the two countries. In line with the Government’s approach to facilitate the Indian film industry’s outreach as also to promote cultural exchanges between India and Italy, the Italian interest in a co-production agreement with India has been welcomed. In order to achieve this objective, the Government of India and Italy are in the process of working on a Co-production Agreement between Italy and India. Cooperation between both the industries is also being promoted through a proposed Co-distribution Agreement.

The main objectives of the LOI are to agree in a manner consistent with the laws and international commitments of both the countries to facilitate distribution of films produced in Italy and India in each other’s country so that these can be appreciated by larger audiences in Europe and in India. Also to encourage the distribution of national films in each other’s country and to look favourably upon an Agreement which will enhance this cooperation in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in both countries; as also in consonance with the financial or distribution support provided to films produced by their industries. It was also proposed to promote the presence and participation of each other’s industry in their respective film festivals and markets and to support production of Indian films in Italy and of Italian films in India.

Present on the occasion were eminent representatives of Italian media and films. From the Indian side the Ambassador of India to Italy, H. E. Mr. Himachal Som and the Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Shri Pawan Chopra were present. Also present were Ms. Sharmila Tagore and Mr. Gautam Ghosh whose film ‘Abar Arannye’ was screened at the Venice Festival amid critical acclaim.