1st September, 2003
Ministry of Home Affairs  


The Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Shri L.K. Advani today launched the India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) at a function organized in the Home Ministry, here. The IDRN is a nationwide inventory of resources including equipment and human resources required for emergency response to calamities. Mr. Advani while launching the network through a Video-Conference with the Chief Ministers of Assam, Orissa, West Bengal, Gujarat and Maharashtra pointed out that the network would provide critical information to disaster managers about the resources and their location so that these can be accessed immediately during emergencies.

He said our country has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters of different kinds. The devastating earthquake in Bhuj and the super-cyclone in Orissa underline the country’s vulnerabilities as also the need to build up capabilities for handling such disasters. Shri Advani said Disaster Management was with the Agriculture Ministry but the GOM set up by the Prime Minister, after accessing the magnitude of the disaster resulting from a natural calamity had suggested that this should be transferred to the Home Ministry. Accordingly Disaster Management came under the Home Ministry and immediately a comprehensive review was carried out of the mechanism/capabilities which needed to be put in place. A change has also been made in the policy orientation from post disaster response to mitigation and preparedness. He said calamities come but its magnitude of impact should not be allowed to be disastrous and out of control. A well organised mitigation and preparedness network will definitely help check this. How quickly we reach the effected people/places in time of a natural calamity is of importance. Now that the hazardous-prone districts in the country have been identified, a well organized network should be put in place for disaster management and IDRN is the answer.

While interacting with the Chief Ministers, Shri Tarun Gogoi, Shri Naveen Patnaik, Shri Budhadeb Bhattacharya, Shri Narendra Modi and Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde, the Home Minister suggested that the States should come out with suitable Legislation on Disaster Management. Taking a clue from the Chief Minister of Orissa who said they have introduced a Bill on Disaster Management in the State Assembly. Shri Advani said others should follow. The Deputy Prime Minister also announced that 8 Battalions of Civil Defence are being raised as National Emergency Relief Force which can be deployed rapidly at the time of a calamity. The training is already on for the personnel. While talking to the Chief Minister of Orissa Shri Advani said that the Navy and the Air Force have already been directed to send boats and other equipments for relief and rescue operation in the current devastating flood in the State. Shri Naveen Patnaik while thanking for the immediate response by the Home Ministry requested for 250 crore rupees as grant in advance to the State to meet the immediate requirement as the State is facing a financial crunch at this moment. All the Chief Ministers who participated in the video conferencing highly praised the Home Ministry’s efforts in putting such a network in place which will go a long way in mitigating the sufferings of the people during a calamity.

The India Disaster Resource Network (website:http://www.idrn.gov.in) is a national initiative under the Government of India and UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme that aims to reduce vulnerabilities of communities in 169 most hazard-prone districts in 17 States of India.

The Minister of State for Home, Shri Harin Pathak, Home Secretary, Shri N. Gopalaswami and senior officials of Home Ministry and UNDP were present in the programme.