30th October, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


The two-day Conference of General Managers of Indian Railways, which ended here yesterday evening, has resolved to prepare an action plan arising out of the Corporate Safety Plan (2003-2013) and Disaster Management Committee Report to improve further safety of rail services. Besides, they decided to ensure effective implementation of issues arising out of Safety Samvads (Safety Workshops) as also field inspections.

It was decided to coordinate closely with State Governments to keep a check on law and order and miscreant activities affecting train operations , while maintaining sanctity of the Corridor Block to ensure track and other infrastructure maintenance.

The Conference decided to complete speedily all targeted projects. It also decided not to compromise with the quality of procurement of materials. It further decided to introduce e-tendering system to improve upon and bring transparency in contract management.

General Managers resolved further to do a detailed analysis of freight rates concession and traffic volume to make up for loss in yield per million tonnes due to rates rationalization. It was also decided to do intensive marketing to increase freight loading.

The Conference also resolved to improve further passenger performance and to surpass the budgeted operating ratio, besides, taking new marketing initiatives to woo the customers. It said, while improving safety levels, customer satisfaction and freight loading in physical forms, proportionate earnings have not increased due to rationalization in freight rates. A complete review of railway financial performance and train operations was carried out with an emphasis on enhancing earnings and reducing working expenditure. The performance of seven newly created zones was also reviewed and the old zones were directed to provide all necessary help so that the new zones stabilized at the earliest. The performance of the new zones was appreciated. It was decided to render all assistance to the new zones in terms of men, material and infrastructural support by the parent Zones.

Inaugurated by the Railway Minister, Shri Nitish Kumar, the Conference was addressed by the Chairman Railway Board, Shri R.K. Singh and the other Board Members. Each of the General Managers brought home the areas of concern to the notice of Board Members.