20th October, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



India and Romania have agreed to give major thrust to strengthening of bilateral trade and investment relations, which at present is way below the potential that exists between the two countries. Not only is there great scope for increasing trade in traditional items such as drugs & pharmaceuticals, iron & steel, heavy engineering, chemicals and textiles, but also there is tremendous scope to diversify the trade basket to include non-traditional and niche products keeping in mind the skills acquired by two countries. This was underlined by Shri Arun Jaitley, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Law & Justice and Mr. Dan Ioan Popescu, Minister of Economy & Commerce, Government of Romania, who led their respective delegations at the joint meetings of the 16th session of India-Romania Joint Committee and 9th session of India-Romania Joint Business Council, organised by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), here today.

Mr. Popescu stressed his country’s desire to strengthen cooperation with India in various fields including IT and invited Indian companies to invest in Romania as a manufacturing base for exports to East Europe. Shri Jaitley highlighted the new avenues in which two countries could work together for mutual benefit including new frontier areas of IT, biotechnology and bio-informatics besides indicating opportunities that existed in India in sectors as diverse as tourism, infrastructure, petrochemicals, aviation, mining and oil exploration. He also pointed to the investment opportunities in the Special Economic Zones (SEZ). Both sides noted with satisfaction the MoU signed between FICCI and the Romania Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Prahova County) for cooperation in oil, gas and other areas of mutual interest.

"Romania is an important trade partner of India. India’s exports to Romania grew by 21.61% in 2002 compared to 2001. Similarly, Romania’s exports to India increased during 2001, registering a 5.43% gain. The Government of India has approved seven foreign collaboration cases for Romania during the period 19991-2003 (June). Actual inflow from Romania for the period 1991-2003 (June) has been US $ 0.02 million which is 3.38% of the Foreign Direct Investment approved by the Government of India for Romania", Shri Jaitley said.

Later Shri Jaitley and Mr. Popescu signed the Protocols of the Joint Committee and Joint Business Council meetings detailing future plans for strengthening bilateral trade and economic cooperation. An additional Protocol was also signed between National Centre for Trade Information (NCTI) of India and Romanian Foreign Trade Centre (RFTC) of Romania for improving the level of exchange of trade information. Both sides agreed to encourage cooperation in setting up of joint ventures, training and consultancy services in the telecommunications sector. It was also agreed to promote mutual understanding and exchanges to enhance mutual cooperation for the development of the trade remedy systems (anti-dumping and countervailing duty) of the two countries.

Mr. Popescu indicated that foreign trade has emerged as one of the most dynamic sectors of Romania, recording an annual growth rate of 30% and emphasised his country’s interest in strengthening trade ties with Asian countries in general and India in particular. Both the Joint Committee and Joint Business Council meetings were attended by Shri S. N. Menon, Special Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Petru Petra, Ambassador of the Republic of Romania in India, Shri Y. K. Modi, President Elect, FICCI and Shri D. M. Kapadia, Chairman, Indo-Romania JBC along with several representatives of trade & industry from both the countries.

The total trade between the two countries rose to US $ 72.72 million during 2002-03 from US $ 59.80 million in 2001-02. The major items of exports from India include drugs, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, machinery & instruments, manufactures of metals, cotton yarn, fabrics, plastic & linoleum products and electronic goods. The major items of imports from Romania include iron & steel, organic chemicals, machinery except electric & electronic, metalifers ores & metal scrap etc.