8th October, 2003
Ministry of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation  



The Deputy Prime Minister Shri L.K. Advani has called for concerted efforts to achieve the objective of Housing for All by the year 2010. Inaugurating the State Housing Ministers Conference here today, Shri Advani said this objective can not be achieved with the efforts of the Government or public sector agencies alone. There is considerable scope for large scale public private sector partnerships in the housing sector specially for economically weaker sections, he added.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the housing sector has the potential to act as the engine of growth because of its interlinkages with many sectors and its contribution to economy. Shri Advani said the Government has accorded considerable priority to the housing sector and during the past few years several budgetary measures have been introduced to improve investments in housing activities through fiscal incentives and regulatory reforms announced for various stake holders namely borrowers, investors, lending institutions and construction agencies. He emphasized that a collective resolve was needed to fulfill the task of transforming India into a developed nation by 2020. Shri Advani expressed the hope that the conference will discuss various issues related to housing sector as well as shortcomings so that shelter for all does not remain a mere slogan and is translated into reality.

Earlier, in his presidential address, Minister of State for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation (Independent Charge) Shri Bandaru Dattatraya said that the national agenda for governance has identified housing for all as a priority area, and the government has introduced a number of schemes and incentives for the housing sector. Referring to the need for implementing urban reforms Shri Dattatraya said that Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act was repealed to promote development and increase the supply of urban land. He hoped that the state governments will also repeal the Act. Shri Dattatraya informed that since 1998-99 to date HUDCO has sanctioned 47.55 lakh dwelling units in urban areas. Loans for 27.67 lakh dwelling units have been sanctioned in rural areas during this period, he added.

Welcoming the delegates, Shri L.M. Mehta, Secretary, Department of Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation informed that so far 8 states have signed a memorandum of understanding with Government of India regarding Urban Reforms Incentive Fund. He hoped that other states will soon follow suit so that the first generation reforms are complete.

The one day Conference of State Housing Ministers has been called to discuss various housing sector issues and related problems.