25th November, 2003
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers  


There is a record production of 11.3 million tonnes of urea during the first six months of the current financial year. The actual production has been 11.3 million tones. The widespread favourable monsoon contributed to spurt in demand and growth of 4 per cent in sales during kharif. The urea consumption was 9.32 million tonnes against the last year’s kahrif of 8.94 million tonnes.

The New Pricing Scheme has contributed significantly to greater efficiency both in terms of overall production as well as economy of feedstock consumption. The marketing of urea has also been gradually deregulated and fifty per cent of the production during rabi is being sold in the market by the urea units as per their corporate marketing strategy. There is a qualitative shift and the units have undertaken exports to Nepal and are also exploring opportunities in the African market. Urea units have also sold urea to complex fertilizers manufacturers, thus replacing the need for imports.

By producing urea beyond 100 per cent of capacity and thus meeting the indigenous demand, supplies to complex manufacturing units and exports to neighbouring countries, the country has saved approximately US $ 87 million foreign exchange.

The imported urea today cost around Rs.9500 per tonne while gas based urea plants in India manufacture urea at an approximate cost of Rs.6000 per tonne. Naphtha based urea units have a higher manufacturing cost around Rs.12000 per tonne. The weighted average cost of production of all plants inclusive of gas, naphtha and fuel oil is Rs.8300 per tonne which is lower than the imported urea price. Thus, there is a significant saving in the subsidy as a result of higher indigenous production. The Department of Fertilizers has already proposed new pricing regime as an incentive for conversion of naphtha based units to gas based units. This would be implemented as soon as gas supplies as feedstock is assured for the units.