2nd May, 2003
Ministry of Tribal Affairs  



The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has a well defined scheme of Grants in aid to Voluntary Organisations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes, under which grants in aid are released to NGOs for setting up and running among other projects, Residential Primary Schools for STs and it has got a uniform allotment policy for residential primary schools. The selection of NGOs and the release of grants are made as per the recommendations of the State Government and the Project Screening Committee at the Ministry.

The Project Screening Committee scrutinised and examined the proposals recommended by various State Governments and identified the organisations for allotment of Residential and Non-Residential Schools based on their financial capability and experience in the field of education, besides keeping in mind the avialability of funds under the scheme with the Ministry.

The Project Screening Committee recommended the sanction of Non-Residential Schools to some organisations against their proposal of Residential Schools, where it was felt by the Project Screening Committee that, at the proposed location, a Non-Residential School can serve the purpose and the organisation was given the option to accept or refuse the same depending upon their willingness to run the Non-Residential School.

This information was given by the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Shri Jual Oram in a written reply to a question from Shri Haribhau Shankar Mahale in the Lok Sabha today.