1st May, 2003
Ministry of Textiles  



The Minister of Textiles, Shri Kashiram Rana, has appealed to the entire textile industry to resume production. He said that the Textile Ministry would try to impress upon the Finance Ministry to maintain stability in the duty structure without resorting to frequent changes to ensure stability of the fiscal regime.

Shri Rana said that Budget proposals 2003-04 announced by the Finance Minister which were basically aimed towards upgradation and modernisation of the textile industry and to equip it to face post – MFA (Multi Fibre Arrangement) global competition. However, the Budget proposals caused some practical difficulties especially to small self-employed units in the textile sector. Appreciating their genuine problems and Government’s commitment to totally protect the interests of the small and self-employed weavers and garments manufacturers, Finance Minister has announced certain concessions on April 30, .2003. Shri Rana has said that the Textiles Ministry welcomes the concessions which would provide much required relief to the targeted small and self-employed entrepreneurs. The concessions are:

  • The production of grey fabrics meant for home consumption up to the value not exceeding Rs.20 lakh has been exempted from excise duty. The production of such fabrics for home consumption by the manufacturer from one or more factories or from a factory by one or more manufacturers does not exceed Rs.25 lakh is also exempt from excise duty.
  • The production of readymade garments and clothing accessories not bearing a brand name or trade name, whether registered or not, up to an aggregate value of Rs.25 lakh has been exempted from excise duty. The production of such garments for home consumption by the manufacturer from one or more factories or from a factory by one or more manufacturers does not exceed Rs.30 lakh is also exempt from excise duty.
  • In case the manufacturer does not want to opt for exemption and pay duty, he would be entitled for claiming CENVAT credit on actual document basis.
  • Excise duty on pure cotton fabrics has been reduced from 8% to 5% for the hand-processing sector provided that process of bleaching, dyeing or printing or anyone or more of these processes is carried out without the aid of power or steam. After taking CENVAT credit, the duty to be paid by such processors would be very meagre.
  • Excise duty on man-made / blended / woollen fabrics has been reduced from 10% to 8% for the hand processing sector provided that process of bleaching, dyeing or printing or anyone or more of these processes is carried out without the aid of power or steam.
  • The production of fabrics made from monofilament yarn, rubberized textile fabrics, woven and unprocessed cotton belting, round mesh mosquito net fabrics, up to an aggregate value of Rs.25 lakh has been exempted from excise duty.
  • SSI excise exemption is already available for units engaged in the production of narrow woven fabrics, gauze, labels, badges, etc.
  • The activities related to putting labels or re-labelling, i.e., attaching or affixing price tag, name of the seller, re-packing from bulk packs to retail packs, alteration or any other process to make the product marketable has been exempted from excise duty.
  • Further processing of excise exempted items i.e. grey fabrics and garments would be eligible to claim CENVAT credit of the duty paid on the inputs of such items provided actual duty paid documents have necessary endorsement in favour of the party engaged in further processing.
  • Excise duty has been reduced on interlining fabrics from 16 per cent to 10 per cent to put this fabric at par with other fabrics of man-made / blended sector.
  • Customs duty on a large number of textile machinery (117 items covering man-made fibres / yarns, technical textiles, wool and weaving sectors) has been reduced from 25 per cent to 5 per cent.
  • Customs duty has also been reduced on raw wool (mohair, fine animal hair and cashmere) and flax fibre from 15 per cent to 5 per cent.
  • Relief has also been provided to the small units engaged in shoddy industry by reducing customs duty on rags from 25 per cent to 5 per cent.

Finance Minister has also announced that he has given strict instructions to the field organisations that there would be no visit by Inspectors to the powerloom / garment units. There would no inspection. The scheme of self-assessment has been introduced for the powerloom units to declare their production. He has also given assurance that if any complaint is received against field staff, he would take care of the situation.

It is expected that the above concessions would provide considerable relief to the small units located all over India. It is also expected that the industry would welcome the duty concessions announced yesterday and would start normal production all over the country.

Consequent to the announcement of the reliefs provided, the production has been resumed in Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Karur, Bhiwandi, Malegaon, entire Karnataka, Rajasthan and Gujarat. I appeal to those who have not yet resumed their operation to resume production as the reliefs announced have taken care of the apprehensions of the industry.

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