25th March, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


A National Seminar is being organised on 27-28 March 2003 by the Department of Commerce in collaboration with UNCTAD and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) on WTO Negotiations on Regional Trading Arrangements (RTAs). Under the Doha work programme, negotiations are currently underway in WTO to improve and clarify disciplines and procedures concerning RTAs.

There has been exponential growth of RTAs during the last decade. As on October 2002, 255 RTAs have been notified to the GATT/WTO and this number is estimated to reach upto 300 by the end of 2005. Almost 60% of global trade is now estimated to be channelled through RTAs.

India has always been a strong votary of the multilateral trading system established under the WTO. At the same time it also recognises that RTAs can be complementary to the multilateral trading system. It is, however, important to ensure that efforts to create regional economic spaces should not run counter to the strengthening of the multilateral trading system and to greater trade liberalisation at the multilateral level.

The Seminar would be inaugurated by Shri. S.N. Menon, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce. The participants would also be addressed by Shri Prabir Sengupta, DG, IIFT and a representative of UNCTAD.

A large number of national and international experts are participating in the Seminar. Amongst the prominent Indian experts are Mr. Bhagirath Lal Das, former Indian Ambassador to GATT, Mr. S. Narayanan, former Indian Ambassador to WTO, Prof. A. Hoda of ICRIER, Mr. Harshvardhan Singh, Secretary-cum-Adviser, TRAI and several well known academicians and trade representatives. The international experts are Mr. Sam Laird, Chief, Trading System Branch, UNCTAD, Mr. Bijit Bora, Counsellor, Economic Research Division, WTO and Mr. Luis Abugattas Majluf, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade Division, UNCTAD.

The Seminar would discuss in dedicated sessions a large gamut of issues concerning RTAs like the emerging RTA landscape and its impact assessment; identification of ways for clarification and improvement of existing GATT Article XXIV; inter-relationship between WTO disciplines on RTAs and WTO rules in areas like Sanitary and Phytosanitary regulations, Technical Barriers to Trade regulations, Safeguards, Custom Valuation, etc; identification of possible areas of improvement in GATS Article V (regional agreements involving services). The concluding Session on 28.3.2003 would be devoted to identification of possible elements that India could propose for negotiations on RTAs.