17th March, 2003
Ministry of Railways  


The Government has decided to source funds for National Rail Vikas Yojana (NRVY) from a mix of budgetary and non-budgetary sources.

The non-budgetary resources will come from multi-lateral funding from agencies like the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, loans from domestic financial institutions and public-private partnerships. Non-budgetary funding will be arranged by Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, a public company set up by the Ministry of Railways. Terms and conditions for such fundings will be decided as mutually worked out between the company and the lenders.

For the financially viable projects taken up by the company for strengthening of the Golden Quadrilateral, the incremental railway receipts will be earmarked to the extent of debt servicing requirement over a period of amortization. This arrangement is intended to provide comfort to the lender and enhance the credit thereby enabling the company (Rail Vikas Nigam) to raise resources (debt) at competitive rates.

The projects in NRVY, except the mega bridges, are planned for completion in a period of five years. The mega bridges are targeted for completion within six to seven years.