10th March, 2003
Ministry of Tribal Affairs  



The Action Plans for the development of Primitive Tribal Groups have been prepared by the State Governments and UT Administrations encompassing various programmes in the sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry, small scale and cottage industry, education, health, etc. under the strategy of the Tribal Sub-Plan. From 1998-99, an exclusive Central Sector Scheme for the Development of PTGs has been in operation, under which cent per cent financial assistance is provided to the States/Uts and Non-Governmental Organisations for undertaking activities for the welfare and development of PTGs.

The State Governments and UT Administrations provide Legal aid and advice to the members of the Scheduled Tribes to protect their rights in court cases. The Central Government also provides financial assistance to the States on a matching basis, for providing legal aid to members of the STs who are involved in land-related litigation.

This information was given by the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Shri Jual Oram in written reply to a question from S/Shri Ravula Chandra Sekar Reddy and Rumandla Raamachandrayya in the Rajya Sabha today.